Saturday, February 28, 2009

PlayStation 2,PlayStation Portable,and Atari 2600

I've reviewed quite a few consoles since I started this blog practically all of them by SEGA most of Nintendo's, all of Microsoft's and few in between. The few that I have played but haven't reviewed are slowly being put on the list.

And since the last 2 Sony systems and the first real successful console are up now,well here I go.

I always hated the Sony brand,they've made the market for closed-minded hardcore gamers obsessed with blood and guns and they've always seemed corporately arrogant. Alright onto the review

PlayStation 2

Games: 9/20 (There are a lot of games for this system,by now they're should be enough to fill a garden shed and that's just with 1 of each,with all the copies sold you could fill a mansion,but the main drawback is most of these games are crap like Disney:Sing It)

12/20 (Impressive graphics but primitive compared to the likes of GameCube and Xbox,early games look comparable to the Nintendo 64 [Dead or Alive 2]

Design:0/20 (Looks like an ugly skyscraper,too heavy,and prone to breakage plus it can't read discs half the time)

Technology: 20/20 (In a day when DVD's were rare and expensive,$300 was a bargain not to mention backward compatibility which was all but forgotten)

Final:10/20 (Terrible system but no one can deny the technological aspects of the PS2)

After dominating the console industry,Sony went handheld with the unoriginal name of...............

PlayStation Portable

Games: 2/20 (Not a lot,and not a lot of good in fact like the Lynx I can only name 4 good games Grand Theft Auto:Liberty City Stories,Grand Theft Auto:Vice City Stories,Daxter,and Monster Hunter)

Graphics:19/20 (Graphical marvel the PSP is,it's like putting the Ps2 into a handheld,PS2 wasn't great for it's time but considering the fact most handhelds were still 2D and the DS had N64 based graphics,this is a perfect but 2D wise PSP is no match for DS)

Design: 16/20 (I liked the design on this one,compact and well placed buttons but the thumbstick leaves something to be desired and it could have better battery life)

Technology: 20/20 (The first handheld to use discs instead of cartridges,plus web browser and photos and MP3's this handheld is the perfect multimedia center)

Final:14/20 (The only SONY system I actually can respect in any way,but no match for DS)

Onto the first cartridge based system that mattered,the first 30 million seller,the first system with real 3rd party support it is........

Atari 2600

Games: 12/20 (Don't get me wrong this system has a lot of games and a lot of good games like Pitfall!,Adventure,Night Driver,Space Invaders,Tennis,Kaboom!,Tanks,but it also is loaded with garbage like Pac-Man,E.T. the Extraterrestrial,Karate,Custer's Revenge,and Raiders of the Lost Ark)

Graphics: 9/20 (Atari 2600 was never known for having attractive graphics,earlier games look more like pixilated puke but hey some look pretty good[ex:Ms. Pac-Man])

Design:18/20 (I loved the design,the faux wood style gives me a "right-at-home" feeling but it was too big and heavy)

Technology:20/20 (First system with dettachable controllers,first that could support many add-ons and so much more,easily a perfect)

Final:15/20(Good system,best-of-the-best before 1985 but with a huge storm of inexperienced 3rd party developers making games and throwing em' out into the market,no one could tell the good from the bad which of course helped cause the Crash of 1984)

Favorite Games

PlayStation 2: Final Fantasy X
PlayStation Portable: Monster Hunter
Atari 2600: Adventure

Up Next

: Star Wars:Shadows of the Empire (Video Games)
Consoles:Sega Master System and Turbo Grafx-16

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Ever After

I've seen this quite a few times with Ma' and if you think it's a regular romance chick flick,you've got it all wrong. In fact I remember one of my 7th grade teachers would always talk about this movie every last time.It didn't mean much learning of Math or anything but hey they're nice little anecdotes that lighten the dullness of class.

I apologize for my slowness,I had every intention of doing this earlier but last time I wasn't too busy or tired.Asm kicked me off to finish her stupid fanfic [alright fine I don't know if it's stupid or not but the point is it's delayed this review]

Alright enough of this ramblin' time to get to the point.

Ever After: A Cinderella Story

Year: 1998

Presentation: 18/20 (Really good presentation,albeit boring but hey few movies have really nailed the beginning)

Plot: 6/20 (The plot was completely unimpressive,but lets face it the whole Cinderella idea is the most unoriginal thing ever,more unoriginal than even fairy-tale spin-offs like Shrek or Hoodwinked)

Characters: 20/20 (The main character was extremely brave,cool,and smart and not the usual damsel in distress and the perfect wife, the prince was the perfect rebel and the perfect "hottie" and he's the clueless one but still lovable.The stepsisters are just like the regular ones well one is the other is simply next in line to slaughter.The stepmom is a much more subtle and secretive villain and quite a lot like the CEOS of Chrysler,Ford,and GM spending too much and blaming the workers and spending like she has it all.The dad we only saw for one scene but the relationship between the 2 was so strong it would make most 5 year old girls cry and captivate most others)

Barrymore's Role: 20/20 (That's right Drew Barrymore,the same Drew Barrymore who played the little Gertie in E.T. the ExtraTerrestrial and Sophie in Music and Lyrics and she totally nailed the role of this daring,intelligent,unfortunate maid who falls for the prince)

Set: 20/20 (They did a bang-up job [yes that's a good thing for those who don't what I'm saying] of filming what's supposed to be renessaince France.They did the best job with the work of the Baroness home though)

Execution: 20/20 (Fantastic,this movie has something for all people willing to look past the title and your treated to humor and romance throughout the film,but the best part was the very end wih the quote "The point gentlemen is not that they lived happily ever after,he point is they lived".Every word and actioon was well timed and nothing seemed slapped in)

Final:17/20 (There is more to it that meets the eye, a good mix of romance of humor get past the unoriginal plot and title and you're in for a treat and I really can't imagine anyone else other than Drew Barrymore playing this role)

Up Next

Chronologically: PlayStation 2,PlayStation Portable, and Atari 2600 (Consoles)
Movies: Time Bandits

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Netscape Browser and Persepolis

It's been awhile since I've posted any reviews.For that I am sorry,but I have recently started posting on a certain video game forum run by another critic,another self proclaimed critic merely called "The VideoGameCritic" or the "VGC ".

It's been quite some time since my last book,then again I haven't done any Browsers in some time either.I figured I might as well combine them since browser reviews are quite short.

I remember for a long time [since I was 5] when Mom and Dad just got an email adrress and Asm used to always play Sesame Street online,of course we had a different computer [which we used for a good decade until we started too need online,for this computer got replaced in 2001 with the one I use now,both were updated to Windows 98 and we used that for quite some time to. However during all these computer changes,one browser stayed the same and was the main 90's browser. Fine I'll get to it already.

Netscape Browser (AOL)

Presentation: 20/20 (Overall Netscape has had a good presentation it looks just like a serious man's browser [unlike Chrome])

Features: 0/20 (If features were strands of hair on guys head,Netscape would be bald)

Reliability: 20/20 (It was quite reliable for sometime but once the computer switched from dial-up to DSL it always got really slow from the router)

Searching: 20/20 (Certainly a good browser for searching at the time,albeit out of date now [sort of like being 16 in this era and still using vinyl records to listen to music instead of iPods and iPhones)

Final:15/20 (Netscape was out of date but it was reliable and workable and quite easy to deal with,but it wasn't compatible with stuff as simple as conforums.Eventually I ended up upgrading to Opera just get things done)

Now onto a controversial,graphic novel that gives one reader an interesting view of the Iranian Revolution and an odd view of Communism/Socialism.Here we go

Persepolis (Marjane Satrapi)

Year: 2003-2005
Publisher: Pantheon Books

Plot: 20/20 (I suppose it's not really fair to give autobiographies a score based on plot,but well the plot is good after all it's about the Iranian Revolution and living in Iran during the times of all those strict standards)

Author's Viewpoint: 10/20 (Rather than scoring by characters I'll score based on authors view because it is an autobiography.I don't completely agree with her view,I agree that it shouldn't be so strict and would probably have the same reaction to all the murders and sexism [It's not really fair when women can't even show any hair or wear sneakers when men can wear stuff so tight you can see everything],then again I don't think she has a lot of morals and she's a bigmouth and quite defiant but then again defiant bigmouths don't really like defiant bigmouths.I also learned quite a bit more aboput Communism and U.S. relations[Were jerks that set up puppets for our interests and we forget that capitalism has made Wal-Mart exist])

Writing: 20/20 (There isn't too much writing becuase it's a graphic novel,but what there is is excellent and i love the metaphors I see)

Pictures: 20/20 (The drawings aren't like traditional Japanese manga but rather in a league of their own,in fact I believe all books by this author look something like these,either way I wish I had her style of drawing)

Final:18/20 (If I wasn't morally baffled by her values I'd give this book a perfect score,oh well it's eye candy and easy reading,I remember reading this 10 times in my Freshman year and 20 times earler this school year)

Up Next:

Ever After or Time Bandits (Movies)*
Browsers: Chrome (Google)

* I think I did an Ever After movie review but if I didn't that's next rather than Time Bandits