Saturday, September 27, 2008

Warriorcats Newest Bunch

Warriorcats in genreal gets a perfect 20/20 like Ender's and Lemony Snicket or Sister's Grimm or Fablehaven.No I'm still a picky reader ok

For example I was frustrated at Fablehaven 3's long amount of boringness or how Harry Potter 7 is just Grim Reaper's list of which Harry Potter characters to kill off (Seriously what did Hedwig do to deserve death,why did Lupin die,did Dobby really need a stabbing?)

So far there are 16 main books,1 stand alone,5 mangas, and 2 guidebooks.

My favorites:A Dangerous Path, Forest of Secrets, Into the Wild,Dawn,Outcast,Firestar's Quest,Cats of the Clans

Least Favorites: Rising Storm,Twilight,Sunset, The Sight,Tigerstar and Sasha,Warrior's Refuge

My problem with Darkest Hour is that all the Deputies die except for one however Tigerstar's death is a huge ironic twist of fate anyway onto................

Rise of Scourge


Plot: 20/20 (A little runt of his litter named Tiny is ignored and unloved by his family,so basically when Twolegs adopt his egotistical siblings and ignore him he runs to the forest where he meets Bluefur,Thistleclaw,and Tigerpaw.After being driven out he finds and old dogs tooth jabs in his collar and earns the respect he finally deserves sadly not from the right crowd and it's not friendship.)

Characters: 15/20 (The potrayal of the most important characters was excellent,sadly the minor characters not so much Bluestar[then Bluefur] is seen as a character who only just has compassion rather than a caring character like she really is,Thistleclaw fared better but he is seen as angry rather than arrogant,Tigerstar[then Tigerpaw] is seen as a character like Darkstripe rather than a ruthless,power seeking apprentice)

Setting: 20/20(One word:Excellent)

Writing: 12/20(It wasn't well written because it doesn't need to be after all it's a graphic novel)

Pictures:18/20 (Amazing drawings,only Marjane Starapi can do better ok ok and Shaman Kings)

Final: 17/20(Like Mario Kart 64 and Super Mario Kart my score is based on average my true opinion would be a perfect but the lack of writing,and not quite perfect characters made the average different from truth,Tigerstar was killed by Scourge in The Darkest Hour which is quite ironic because Tigerstar tried to kill him earlier when he was a wee little cat,and obviously Tigerstar forgot who he was.Scourge is a bit like Puppetmon from Digimon season 1 in the fact that he didn't have to be evil,he simply fell in with the wrong crowd both simply needed friends but never got any)

Now onto the newest of the main..............



Plot:20/20 (Basically,the 3 main characters Jaypaw,Hollypaw,and Lionpaw return from the mountains and leave Stormfur behind when Cinderpaw's leg gets renched naturally she gets depressed so Jaypaw hepls her exercise it by swimming and it helps her leg heal after Honeypaw and Poppypaw get their new warrior status a strange loner comes by and predicts an eclipse and of course it happens hence the title right when things between WindClan and ThunderClan tense up to the point where a battle forms. After hearing that Sol predicted an eclipse and StarClan failed to warn them Jaypaw starts to doubt StarClan's power as does Blackstar of ShadowClan)

Characters:10/20(All characters have made a turn for the worse,Squirrelflight isn't hard,Leafpool is a giver-uper,Hawkfrost is seen as a gossiper rather than a power-seeker,Millie has kits which to me is an inside betrayal,Onestar gets even more paranoid.and Jaypaw lets the knowledge go to his head however some things are kept like Berrynoses' stuck-up nature,Tigerstar's hate for Firestar, and Cinderpelts ambition to become a warrior)

Setting: 20/20 (As usual the setting is top-notch and well described)

Writing:20/20 (Like the redeeimng figure in lower ranking Warriors books,it is so well written)

Final:18/20(The book is a complete and utter betrayal of the first book,in the first book there is a clear hero and antagonist and StarClan's power is unquestioned Graystripe was still in love with Silverstream,it was simple but plot-driven,this book questions StarClan there is no clear antagonist and Graystripe has started a new family,but it is a good book has a good plot and is well written if it wasn't Warriors it might have actually made perfect)

Friday, September 19, 2008

Game Boy,a Dream,and a 64-bit toilet seat

Console-wise I have done GameCube(16/20),Saturn(17/20), Nintendo DS(19/20), and Sega Game Gear(16/20) reviews. I want tom ention my favorites for each sustem

GameCube: Super Mario Sunshine(19.5/20)
Saturn: NiGHTS into Dreams(19.5/20)
Nintendo DS: Yoshi's Island DS (20/20)
Sega Game Gear: Sonic the Hedgehog 2(20/20)

Now I'd like the review the following Dreamcast,Game Boy, and Jaguar

Now the cream of the crop here is clearly Dreamcast but well let's just see how the other 2 compare

Game Boy

Games:20/20(Like all Nintendo systems[except Virtual Boy and GameCube) just any game you can think of,is there Poof! just like that)

Graphics:15/20(Like Saturn this one is hard to tell Saturn's problem depended on 2D-3D,whereas this handheld grapples with Black and White vs Color for Black and White it has graphics that can excell to SNES but with color the competitors clealry win on this one)

Design:14/20 (Game Gear had a black design that looked like a trapezoid,Game Boy looked like a gray brick with a green screen but a little lighter than Game Gear and and an ok button design)

Technology: 19/20 (At the time only the Lynx had better technology,Game Gear came out after Game Boy anyway it had graphics like NES sometimes SNES but in black and white,it had the best battery life and yeah)

Final:17/20(If it was in color,it coulda' gained a perfect but nothing could match Lynx in technology)

Favorite Game: Super Mario Land 2:6 Golden Coins

Now onto SEGA's final attempt to gain market lead from SONY and most technologically juiced up for the time maybe it really is a DREAMcast


Games:19/20(Though it only had about 200 games like N64 the games had such quality it almost trumped quantity but it just didn't quite have Game Boy's,NES,DS',Genesis', or Xbox's quality with quantity)

Graphics:20/20(Like N64,SNES,Master System, and PlayStation 3 graphics were top-notch I mean some games looked better than even current PS2 games games like Dead or Alive 2 or Jet Grind Radio,those graphics were a stunning leap from former graphics master Nintendo 64)

Design:20/20 (Like N64 or Atari 7800 this console is one of the most cosmectically atrractive console in existence,it's so pearly white it really is like a piece of heaven[not to be sac-religious] when it opens it looks soo nice mmm)

Technology:18/20(While it had online access and a Game Boy like memory crad it also had outdated media that couldn't hold much,not to mention it had slow loading because of crappy CD and sometimes it was all useless[and you thought PS2 was bad)

Final:19/20(This is by far SEGA's best system beating out Genesis by 1 score and Saturn by 2 it had everything it needed to make the perfect souflet,SEGA just didn't put the ingredients in at the right time nor cook it for the right time)

Favorite Game: Samba de Amigo

Now finally last and this time certainly by far least "64-bit", cartridge using,crappy game plagued........

Atari Jaguar

Games:5/20(Though there are a few killers out there like Rayman,Iron Soldier,SkyHammer,Alien vs Predator,Raiden, and Worms about 5/6 of them were crap that's roughly 50/60 that's right JUST SIXTY GAMES so basically I named all the good ones might I add Fight for Life is the 5th worst game ever,still better than 3D0's average at 2)

Graphics: 15/20(Things look much better for Jaguar here,for 2D graphics this console might be the best after of course Saturn,for 3D except for SkyHammer and Alien vs Predator few games even remotly looked good still Rayman,Raiden,Cannon Fodder, and Bubsy had some good 2D graphics but it was supposed to have 64-bit,3D graphics none of that is there)

Design:12/20(While very creative and not that bad it looks a bit like a toilet seat,I  do like the courve though still the middle button and terrble cartridge slot killed it)

Technology: 8/20(Like Saturn,not even the maker itself couldharness such power,oh no it took 10 years for the real stuff to come,it was supposed to be 64-bit but even Sky Hammer didn't look 64-bit oh yes certainly about Crash Bandicoot graphics but still)

Final:10/20(Most people would bash this system down to the bone,I wouldn't put it that far down can't say it's my favorite either still better than 7800,it's graphics could be very good,and the design is ok,but I guess it's games that count and since 5/6 suck well you know)

Favorite Game: Rayman

Up next 3Do,Lynx,and Xbox on consoles

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Ender's Books and Finding Neverland

Ok recently in the past few days I read and completed Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow and yet I haven't done a movie in ages and I've been waiting to give Finding Neverland a score.

I'll get the movie over with first

Finding Neverland

It's basically a loose biography on James M. Barrie during the years when he got the idea to write out Peter Pan.

Presentation:19/20(It's not quite as perfect as I hoped,but the flaws are almost unnoticeable,the beginning was kind of boring though)

Plot: 15/20(The plot was a bit old and unexciting,but kind of original basically it starts off with J.M. Barrie creating a play that completely fails so he is stuck on hard times,but then he meets 4 boys and a mother and quickly befriends them.However his wife and the boys grandmotherr aren't too happy with the arrangement, and basically his adventures with these boys trigger Peter Pan)

Depp's Role: 20/20(Now unlike cousin Sahara who will never find fault with Johnny Depp's acting,I will but this time I quite agree with her.He was good at being a curious,imaginative,slightly childish,unorthodox J.M. Barrie now I don't know if Barrie was like that in real life but for the movie potrayal I like it)

Winslet's Role:20/20(I haven't seen her in other movies, but for playing as Sylvia Lewellyn Davies who is a caring,hard-working,stressed mom who is always over-shadowed by her mother she passes in my book)

Set:20/20(one word:Perfect,Kensington Gardens was a nice touch)

Execution:20/20(It was a perfect execution,the dialogue,the accents,just everything)

Final:19/20(Not quite perfect,but almost there I couldn't give it 19.5 either because the plot was a bit unoriginal)

Now onto Orson Scott Card's #1 hit

Ender's Game

Publisher:Tor Books

Plot:20/20(Perfect plot,basically a Third[a usually illegal 3rd child much like the Shadow Children series] named Andrew"Ender" Wiggin who is taunted by his older brother Peter,ignored by his parents,but trusted by his sister Valentine gets into a fight with a bully named Stilson,thinking fast he beats him up and finishes the job hoping he'll never be bothered again,naturally the creepy I.F. decide he is perfect for Battle School which is a school meant for training to one day deal with Buggers[Aliens that have taken over Earth] along the way he advances up quick;ly and gets extremely smart to the point where he is the perfect commander,the rest is hard to explain)

Characters:20/20(The most important characters are Bean[main character in Ender's Shadow],Peter,Valentine,Bonzo,Alai,and Petra other than of course Ender himself.Bonzo is the antagonist,Peter is like the Longtail/good-natured Tigerclaw of the book[read Warrior to find out those characters],Valentine is the one Ender loves and trusts the most,Alai is his best friend at school,Petra is the one who helps him advance technically he woulda' never gotten the respect he has now without Petra,and Bean is like his apprentice who is also very intelligent.Ender seems to be a violent,troubled kid who is though extremely clever and startegic also has deep emotional gulit wever since beating up Stilson,he has an ok point of view)

Setting:20/20 (Now I don't know what city in America but I think it was Boston which was well described as was North Carolina when it was from Valentine's point of view,but Battle School is excellently described has zero-gravity and high-gravity tha school would be excellent had the creepy teachers not be running it)

Writing:20/20(Some of the best writing I have ever seen,I can't find many better)

Final:20/20(I can't say I have a top 10 like I do for video games or movies but this is one of my tops,personally I prefer the plot better in this book over Shadow but Bean is a better character)

Now at last,but naturally not least........

Ender's Shadow(Orson Scott Card)

Publisher:Tor Books

Plot:20/20(Ender's Game's Plot is slightly better but this plot works,anyway it is about a guy named Bean who escaped some mad scientist's lab by hidng in a toilet tank,but he was gentically altered making him so smart he could compared to planet-brain-sized Marvin from Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy anyway he grew up on the streets of Rotterdam,Netherlands when he met a nice but not-so-bright girl named Poke who lets him into her gang.Eventually Poke is murdered and he trying to get away asks Sister Carlotta to enroll him at Battle School where he meets the notorious Ender Wiggin)

Characters:20/20(Character's of importance are Ender[main character in Ender's Game],Nikolai,Achilles,Poke, Petra, and le gasp Bonzo.Bonzo does not play quite an antagonistic role this time more like the crazy insane guy.Ender is like Bean's mentor who he trusts highly,Nikolai is his best friend,Poke is the stupid girl who helped him survive the streets of Rotterdam who was murdered by Achilles who is the real antagonist who murders anyone who gets in his way)

Setting:20/20(I already described Battle School,but Rotterdam was well described with it's mean streets and the Rhine River,

Writing:20/20(Some of the best writing out there,just like Ender's Game)

Final:20/20(Once again makes my tops, and sci-fi isn't exactly my favorite genre either)

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Sonic Adventure 2 and Safari Browser

Aw yes a Sonic game and a browser by Apple

This was one of the last good Sonic Games,Shadow was the ultimate.Anyway this also SEGA's last game that was on a SEGA system(Dreamcast,to be precise).In this game you played 2 sides of one story.You also played as Sonic,Tails,or Knuckles(if Good) or Shadow,Dr.Eggman, or Rouge the Bat(if bad) depending on what level and side.

Alright onto the scores and I'll grade the original version because I don't grade ports

Sonic Adventure 2(Dreamcast)

Developer:Sonic Team USA

Plot:10/20(Quite an unoriginal plot,I mean bad guy gets his hands on something powerful,powered by Chaos Emeralds,intends to conquer Earth come on come up with something original)

Concept: 20/20(You play as 6 characters,3 per side and 1 characters on each side mirrors the other[ex Shadow and SOnic are both speedy linear courses or Tails and Eggman are both 3rd person shooter and linear] but challenges are added)

Graphics:20/20(One of Dreamcast's last games and of course that means,it harnessed some of the best graphical power for 2001,not even Ps2 could match it,Sonic looks great)

Levels:13/20(Impressive level design,but gets a little repetitive and old but lotsa obstacles and challenges to keep it good)

Challenge:20/20(This is one of the most challenging games I've played,not quite like CD or the 2nd but pretty good)

Music:8/20(Terrible music but I can stand it,unlike R or Shuffle,some of the music is ok but it's mostly bad rap or bad pop)

Final:15/20(Good game indeed,but the plot really sucked and the music was horrible and levels seemed unfinshed but it's a solid game)

Up next Super Princess Peach in Video Games

Now for Browsers,2nd time but the type needs catching up

Apple has made some reliable popular products like Apple II or the Mac franchise or iPod,some not so solid like Pippin console or Safari,Safari is one of the worst browsers ever,in fact Microsft actually beats Apple here and Microsoft sucks

Presentation:2/20(Terrible Persentation,it's so screwy, and i looks terrible,not a good impression)

Features:8/20(Lotsa features but not good ones,except keychain password when you own the computer)

Reliability:9/20(A bit less likely to crash than Microsoft's counterpart but,but I still don't trust it)

Searching:6/20(Searching sucks no worse than Microsoft's offering)

Final:6/20(Terrible,terrible browser one of the worst ever,I'll use it only if I have to)

My signature is Opera but I like Firefox and Netscape ain't to bad neitha'

Monday, September 01, 2008

Sega Game Gear Handheld Console Review

Nintendo is world renown for its hanhelds but, like Genesis vs SNES even the legendary Game Boy had rivals.Only 2 made it to mainstream, they were Sega Game Gear and Atari Lynx.While Lynx was the technology beast,Game Gear was fun.

Games: 14/20 (While here were far and few,most were innovative and fun,but not spectacular like Tetris or Pokemon.While GameBoy had Super Mario Land,Tetris,Pokemon, and Mortal Kombat;GameGear had hits like Ecco the Dolphin,Sonic the Hedgehog 2[one of the 10 perfects],Battletoads,California Games, and Sonic Spinball)

Graphics:18/20 (Unlike Game Boy,Game Gear had color graphics and it had graphics superior to even NES,but it couldn't do what Lynx could graphically)

Design: 12/20 (Pretty basic design,black casing looked like a trapezoid good button lay out though)

Technology: 19/20(Excellent technology,good audio,it was a huge leap from Game Boy,it simply didn't have the marketing might or the games like Super Mario Land or Pokemon, but it wasn't quite like Atari Lynx)

Final:16/20(Heavily underrated,lacking games but ceraintly worth playing and it has excellent games,Tolstoy Kafka Evsky nailed the review just right)