Saturday, September 13, 2008

Ender's Books and Finding Neverland

Ok recently in the past few days I read and completed Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow and yet I haven't done a movie in ages and I've been waiting to give Finding Neverland a score.

I'll get the movie over with first

Finding Neverland

It's basically a loose biography on James M. Barrie during the years when he got the idea to write out Peter Pan.

Presentation:19/20(It's not quite as perfect as I hoped,but the flaws are almost unnoticeable,the beginning was kind of boring though)

Plot: 15/20(The plot was a bit old and unexciting,but kind of original basically it starts off with J.M. Barrie creating a play that completely fails so he is stuck on hard times,but then he meets 4 boys and a mother and quickly befriends them.However his wife and the boys grandmotherr aren't too happy with the arrangement, and basically his adventures with these boys trigger Peter Pan)

Depp's Role: 20/20(Now unlike cousin Sahara who will never find fault with Johnny Depp's acting,I will but this time I quite agree with her.He was good at being a curious,imaginative,slightly childish,unorthodox J.M. Barrie now I don't know if Barrie was like that in real life but for the movie potrayal I like it)

Winslet's Role:20/20(I haven't seen her in other movies, but for playing as Sylvia Lewellyn Davies who is a caring,hard-working,stressed mom who is always over-shadowed by her mother she passes in my book)

Set:20/20(one word:Perfect,Kensington Gardens was a nice touch)

Execution:20/20(It was a perfect execution,the dialogue,the accents,just everything)

Final:19/20(Not quite perfect,but almost there I couldn't give it 19.5 either because the plot was a bit unoriginal)

Now onto Orson Scott Card's #1 hit

Ender's Game

Publisher:Tor Books

Plot:20/20(Perfect plot,basically a Third[a usually illegal 3rd child much like the Shadow Children series] named Andrew"Ender" Wiggin who is taunted by his older brother Peter,ignored by his parents,but trusted by his sister Valentine gets into a fight with a bully named Stilson,thinking fast he beats him up and finishes the job hoping he'll never be bothered again,naturally the creepy I.F. decide he is perfect for Battle School which is a school meant for training to one day deal with Buggers[Aliens that have taken over Earth] along the way he advances up quick;ly and gets extremely smart to the point where he is the perfect commander,the rest is hard to explain)

Characters:20/20(The most important characters are Bean[main character in Ender's Shadow],Peter,Valentine,Bonzo,Alai,and Petra other than of course Ender himself.Bonzo is the antagonist,Peter is like the Longtail/good-natured Tigerclaw of the book[read Warrior to find out those characters],Valentine is the one Ender loves and trusts the most,Alai is his best friend at school,Petra is the one who helps him advance technically he woulda' never gotten the respect he has now without Petra,and Bean is like his apprentice who is also very intelligent.Ender seems to be a violent,troubled kid who is though extremely clever and startegic also has deep emotional gulit wever since beating up Stilson,he has an ok point of view)

Setting:20/20 (Now I don't know what city in America but I think it was Boston which was well described as was North Carolina when it was from Valentine's point of view,but Battle School is excellently described has zero-gravity and high-gravity tha school would be excellent had the creepy teachers not be running it)

Writing:20/20(Some of the best writing I have ever seen,I can't find many better)

Final:20/20(I can't say I have a top 10 like I do for video games or movies but this is one of my tops,personally I prefer the plot better in this book over Shadow but Bean is a better character)

Now at last,but naturally not least........

Ender's Shadow(Orson Scott Card)

Publisher:Tor Books

Plot:20/20(Ender's Game's Plot is slightly better but this plot works,anyway it is about a guy named Bean who escaped some mad scientist's lab by hidng in a toilet tank,but he was gentically altered making him so smart he could compared to planet-brain-sized Marvin from Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy anyway he grew up on the streets of Rotterdam,Netherlands when he met a nice but not-so-bright girl named Poke who lets him into her gang.Eventually Poke is murdered and he trying to get away asks Sister Carlotta to enroll him at Battle School where he meets the notorious Ender Wiggin)

Characters:20/20(Character's of importance are Ender[main character in Ender's Game],Nikolai,Achilles,Poke, Petra, and le gasp Bonzo.Bonzo does not play quite an antagonistic role this time more like the crazy insane guy.Ender is like Bean's mentor who he trusts highly,Nikolai is his best friend,Poke is the stupid girl who helped him survive the streets of Rotterdam who was murdered by Achilles who is the real antagonist who murders anyone who gets in his way)

Setting:20/20(I already described Battle School,but Rotterdam was well described with it's mean streets and the Rhine River,

Writing:20/20(Some of the best writing out there,just like Ender's Game)

Final:20/20(Once again makes my tops, and sci-fi isn't exactly my favorite genre either)

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