Saturday, March 14, 2009

Star War: Shadows of the Empire

It's been a while since I've done a review of any sorts at all let alone a video game review.But since it's time for a video game review here I go

Most love the movies,some love the video games,some only like Princess Leia's hair do,and some only like the famous lines "Luke,I'm am your faaather" (I fit in all those categories).Either way it's still Star Wars.If there was ever a franchise that had too many video games for it's own good it would be Star Wars. However with that bad there is good I am going to review one of the good.

This game takes places somewhere in between episodes 5-6,............I think.This was one of the many jewels for the Nintendo 64 and one of the many good games actually made by LucasArts.I came across this game when I randomly went through a drawer of cartridges at Leffler's house.Naturally I put it turned th system on and started playing here's my outlook

Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (Nintendo 64)

Developer: LucasArts
Publisher: Nintendo

Plot: 5/20 (The plot is pretty weird,unecessary and it's more like just another weird chink in Star Wars,in a way it's like a bad fanfic plot,in a way. It starts off after the battle on Hoth in The Empire Strikes back,then stuff happens after The Empire Strikes back I don't care anymore)

Graphics: 20/20 (This game though was an early game actually did not suffer from blurriness. Somehow LucasArts managed to make a game with graphics quality that it seemed only Nintendo could do)

Concept: 15/20 (A pretty straightforward concept,use the lightsaber,use it some more and more.Pretty nice and simple)

Levels: 14/20 (Above average levels yes but they got worse and worse as time went by,I preferred the Hoth stage the most)

Challenge: 20/20 (This game offers something most games really don't have any more,CHALLENGE.The first stage was tremendously hard and you can tell it's a perfect 20 and a good game when it's easy=to-learn,hard-to-master)

Music: 20/20 (I love the music in this game,and it was actually orchestrated which was quite rare back in 1996 plus the music is beyond good and evil [not close to Mario but still beyond good and evil]

Final:13/20 ( While it's not good,it's still one of the best Star Wars games out there and still a very solid N64 game and video game for that matter.Wouldn't recommend playing it all the way through more than once though)

Up Next:

The Shadow Thieves (Books)
Video Games:
Sonic Game Gear Collection

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