Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Sonic Adventure 2 and Safari Browser

Aw yes a Sonic game and a browser by Apple

This was one of the last good Sonic Games,Shadow was the ultimate.Anyway this also SEGA's last game that was on a SEGA system(Dreamcast,to be precise).In this game you played 2 sides of one story.You also played as Sonic,Tails,or Knuckles(if Good) or Shadow,Dr.Eggman, or Rouge the Bat(if bad) depending on what level and side.

Alright onto the scores and I'll grade the original version because I don't grade ports

Sonic Adventure 2(Dreamcast)

Developer:Sonic Team USA

Plot:10/20(Quite an unoriginal plot,I mean bad guy gets his hands on something powerful,powered by Chaos Emeralds,intends to conquer Earth come on come up with something original)

Concept: 20/20(You play as 6 characters,3 per side and 1 characters on each side mirrors the other[ex Shadow and SOnic are both speedy linear courses or Tails and Eggman are both 3rd person shooter and linear] but challenges are added)

Graphics:20/20(One of Dreamcast's last games and of course that means,it harnessed some of the best graphical power for 2001,not even Ps2 could match it,Sonic looks great)

Levels:13/20(Impressive level design,but gets a little repetitive and old but lotsa obstacles and challenges to keep it good)

Challenge:20/20(This is one of the most challenging games I've played,not quite like CD or the 2nd but pretty good)

Music:8/20(Terrible music but I can stand it,unlike R or Shuffle,some of the music is ok but it's mostly bad rap or bad pop)

Final:15/20(Good game indeed,but the plot really sucked and the music was horrible and levels seemed unfinshed but it's a solid game)

Up next Super Princess Peach in Video Games

Now for Browsers,2nd time but the type needs catching up

Apple has made some reliable popular products like Apple II or the Mac franchise or iPod,some not so solid like Pippin console or Safari,Safari is one of the worst browsers ever,in fact Microsft actually beats Apple here and Microsoft sucks

Presentation:2/20(Terrible Persentation,it's so screwy, and i looks terrible,not a good impression)

Features:8/20(Lotsa features but not good ones,except keychain password when you own the computer)

Reliability:9/20(A bit less likely to crash than Microsoft's counterpart but,but I still don't trust it)

Searching:6/20(Searching sucks no worse than Microsoft's offering)

Final:6/20(Terrible,terrible browser one of the worst ever,I'll use it only if I have to)

My signature is Opera but I like Firefox and Netscape ain't to bad neitha'

1 comment:

Vincent Malmrose said...

google has reacently come out with a browser of its own. Its called chrome.
I've used it once or twice and it seems good, try it and write a review.
Heck they have a more than 40 page comic about it. Just google Chrome Comic