Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Call of the Wild

Well so far most of books are modern fantasy books with exception of The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Sister's Grimm: Michael Buckley
Fablehaven: Brandon Mull
Warriors:*Erin Hunter
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Douglas Adams

Well this one is classic and considered one of the best by Jack London,that's right I mean THE CALL OF THE WILD

The Call of the Wild

Author:Jack London(as mentioned at least once)

Plot: 20/20 (Wouldn't seem very original now but I bet for like 1900's that was a good original plot,basically a dog named Buck who is pampered and spoiled rich is kidnapped by his owner's gardner and sold to dog sledders in Alaska during the 1898 Klondike)

Characters: 10/20 (The character's didn't seem to developed,Buck seemed like a hard emotionless dog,not that I blame him in the North at that time life was harsh but come on still he's ok. Spitz seems like an ok nemesis,Thornton was the first real caring caharcter but the other characters like Curly or Dolly or Perrault or Francois aren't o well developed you might completely forget them unless you read the book 10,000 times over and over.Do like Buck though)

Setting: 20/20 (I like the description of the locations like how he originally lived in "The Sun-Kissed Santa Clara Valley" to how the harsh cold ice was when those inexpierienced sledders made Buck lead")

Writing: 20/20(Good writing totally excellent,perfect writing for literature,honestly I"ve never heard of a book by London or Twain that had bad writing)

Final:18/20(It would be 17.5 but I usually round it off unless it's near perfect or it fits inbetween,anway the book is solid,perfect for literature I only wish the characters had more depth)

Up next post-wise is Batman Begins in Movies and book-wise J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series that's it for now

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Opera Browser and the Game Boy Marios

I haven't graded a browser in ages,I said I would and now I might as well I think I'll grade the browser I use at home then the one I use at school aka FireFox


Presentation:20/20(Good presentation,unlike M.I.E> or Safari things are easy to find on Opera)

Features:20/20 (It has a helpful home page,the speed dial really helps so you don't have to go the tp or right you can just click on one of 9 panels and there you go)

Reliability:20/20(Very reliable,I 've had no problems with it whatsoever)

Searching:20/20 (Speed dial hepls for finding the conviernience,but it also has it's own  search of course you'd have to go to the company's page but still,not to mention regualr search engines run quite well,it's not quite as fast at loading as FireFox though)


Now before I move on I'll record my Scores for the Sonic Racers and Mario Karts

Super Mario Kart:19.5/20
Mario Kart 64:20/20
Mario Kart Super Circuit: 18/20
Mario Kart Double Dash:17/20
Mario Kart DS:17/20
Mario Kart Wii:17/20

Sonic Drifts:5/20
Sonic R:8/20
Sonic Riders: 8/20

Onto at last the first portable adventures of Mario aka Mario Lands 1&2

Super Mario Land

Plot:10/20(Practically the same plot as Super Mario Bros. merely with an alien,a different damsel,in a different kingdom unoriginal bu workable)

Concept:20/20(A concept that runs through the whole of 2D Mario jump,jump and more jumping so far pretty dang flawless)

Graphics:12/20 (Game Boy never was knowbn for good graphics and  this game looked worse than NES on the original GameBoy)

Levels:20/20(Spectacular levels nuff said)

Challenge:20/20(Never heard of an easy Mario the early games were hard this being no exception)

Music:12/20(I liked World 1 the rest seemed a bit mediocre)

Final:16/20(If graphics didn't matter tghis game would fare better but the graphics don't look right)

Now for the final real Super Mario Land(the 3rd was really the first Wario game)

Super Mario Land 2:6 Golden Coins

Plot:20/20(Unlike most Mario games,the goal is regain your castle stolen by Wario,rather than save a princess)

Concept:20/20(See Super Mario Land review for reason)

Graphics:18/20(Not perfect,but a least exceptable unlike the original Mario Land)

Levels:20/20 (Even better than the first,these levels were da' bomb)

Challenge:20/20(It's 2D Mario nuff said)

Music: 19/20 (Good music,pretty good but not perfect)

Final: 19.5/20(Nearly-perfect,my favorite game on the Game Boy because it's fun,good repay value and the plot is complertely different,Super Mario Land was Super Mario Bros. gone handheld,this was it's own game).

Monday, October 13, 2008

The first PlayStation,A grill, and an Ambidextrous"handheld"

If you thought Jaguar was the only failed console in video game history you was completely wrong,in this post you will find reviews of 2 failed consoles and 1 moderatley succesful console.

PlayStation is thought t be the first CD console,not add-on,console,in truth there were at least 2 first.The Saturn by SEGA which I already reviewed(17/20) and 3DO another failed console trying to gain market as a do-it-all machine.It had 3D graphics,it could do everything practically,it was PERFECT yet it failed here is why


Games:2/20(People will often say it had better games than Jaguar,yes bu it also had a lot more,about 160 games actually but about 16 were actually good where  as Jaguar's ratio was 5:6,3DO's was about 1:10,oh sure Jaguar had White Men Can' Jump,but 3DO had games like NIght Trap,Revolution X,Virtuoso,and those Make My Video games)

Graphics: 18/20 (It couldn't quite do what Jaguar did in terms of 2D,but it didn't quite look like bogus in 3D either,just look at Need for Speed or Wolfenstein 3D,as for 2D Gex,Return Fire, and Samurai Showdown did the job quite well,excellent graphics in a time when 3D was just emrging)

Design:9/20(This is the average of allthe designs,most look like ugly dull black boxes(not Saturn shiny) with not much else,they tended to be very durable though)

Technology:12/20(Quite good technology actually,unlike Atari which had technology so good they didn't even know how to harness it,the 3DO makers had technology that was a breeze to use not quite Genesis easy but close,it wasn't cutting edge though at all)

Final:10/20(About the same as Jaguar but Jaguar had better games despite having fewer and that's what really counts)

Next off we have the newbie franchise which entered the foray mainly because Dreamcast failed to overshadow PlayStation,they feared if SONY kept winning they console industry would overshadow and leapfrog PC's altogether.Nintendo was in it,SEGA died,SONY is the antagonist,only one company relies this much on PC's it must be..........MICROSOFT and their.......


Games:12/20 (It had many good games,the crap ratio is low but lets face it there weren't any kid games which lived on fun,Xbox was the console for shooters and M-rated games.After Halo,Oddworld,Halo 2,Project Gotham Racing,Doom 3, Dead or Alive 3,and Fuzion Frenzy I can't think of any significant game)

Graphics:20/20(Best graphics for it's time,it made GameCube's graphics look like shit,and PS2's look like PONG graphics)

Design: 9/20 (It's too big,ugly green and looks more like a grill than a console,not to mention it overheats and breaks a lot more than it's competition,well except for Piece of Shit 2)

Technology:20/20 (I only gave it this much because of the hardware drive and a good online service,no offense to Dreamcast but it used Dial-Up)

Final:15/20(Certainly a worthwile console to own......for Microsoft it certainly was ahead of it's time,but lets face it too big,and lack variety in titles can really put a damper on things)

Now onto GameBoy's first competitor,long before SEGA released the GameGear

Atari Lynx

Games:2/20 (Not many good games at all mcuh like 3DO,however 3DO had 160 games,Lynx had about maybe 40,that means only 4 games might've actually meant a thing.I can name my tops right now and I will.California Games,Raiden,Battlewheels, and Road Blasters)

Graphics:20/20(This console had the best graphics for it's time,i looked a bit like Neo-Geo gone handheld actually,left GameGear in the dust on the best color graphics race)

Design:4/20(I like the idea of the cartridge load on the side but lets face it the screen was miniscule,the buttons were far,it lacked real battery life, and it was HUGE,but the flip the console upside down if your left handed was cool)

Technology:20/20(Excellent technology,you could hook up like 16 Lynxs to one,backlit,loud speakers, and tiny cartridges)

Final:12/20(The console wasn't actually that bad,it was quite innovative unlike Game Boy or Game Gear,still no self-respecting Handheld Gamer would call that portable.Fares much better than Jaguar or 7800)

Favorite Games

3DO:Need for Speed
Xbox: Oddworld:Munch's Oddysey
Lynx:Road Blasters

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Legend of Zorro (2004)

This is of the most recent Legend of Zorro because I have not seen the others.If you like woman-knows-more-than-you-think role. Than this is the right movie.

Presentation:20/20(Excellent presentation,it showsthe Californian entrance to America as despreate and necessary)

Plot: 20/20(It is 1850 and at a voting booth a riot starts when Mr.McGivens steals the  voting box in order to prevent California from entering the union,why? Because if it does then Count Armand would have to destroy California as well because he alongs with his Knights of Aragon plan to destroy America through nitro-glycerin bottles which will go to the Southern states which want to secede the union.

Zorro gets caufght in this plot when his wife Elena divorces him and starts seeing Armand he gets suspicious and starts researching Armand thinking Elena no longer likes him,in truth Elena is double-agent working for the Pinkertons)

Bandera's Role:20/20(Basically he is supposed to play Zorro who is in a strained relationship between family and serving of the people.He's supposed to potray De la Vega as a stressed out,heroic,and fighter which he does)

Jones Role:20/20 (Best role in the whole,movie to be correct she is a double agent who must not let Zorro know she is undercover becuase their shared identity will be revealed,she is pretty good at being a woman of deception)

Sewell's Role: 12/20 (He's not good at being a French Count but certainly a worthy opponent of Zorro,he sometimes seems a little gullible and too nice much like Imelda Stuanton's potrayal of Umbridge in Harry Potter,still pretty good at looking nice but not really)

Set:19/20(Mostly perfect but  the Bear Point seen doesn't seem realistic nor does the fire when he fights Mr.McGivens's henchmen in the burning barn,but for the most part it's not to bad)

Execution:20/20 (Good execution of plot with some humor well placed,also the kid seemed a bit like his father. I liked it,the prophecy it seemed right,not to mention the smoking and drinking horse to add sprinkles to the sundae)

Final:19/20 (Mostly good movie,it's just that Sewell couldn't act out a French Count quite right)

Thursday, October 09, 2008

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Well here it is a review for Douglas Adams' classic The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Might as well not much better to do before school starts and since I've done as much studying as I can til' the test at well,here it goes

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy(Douglas Adams)

Publisher: Megadodo Publication

Plot:19/20(Mostly original I mean the idea of a guide to the galaxy and someone not from Earth studying it that's original but come on aliens trying to demolish Earth is kind of old,but for 1978 I'm sure it did the job)

Characters:10/20(Ford seemed like a know it all,Dent seemed stupid,Zaphod seemed like a flake,but I liked Marvin the Robot,and the Vogons seeemed like politicians times two and bad poets)

Writing:20/20 (Excellent writing,it's kind of satirical and humorous like when human smarts are questioned with dolphins plus it has a good plot)

Setting:19/20(I only remember the Vogon ship and Zaphod's ship that's about it pretty well described, the weirdness of the Vogon ship was the coolest)

:17/20(Good book the characters left stuff to be desired but it was mostly good)

Up next in Books is....... Jack London's Call of the Wild

I can take requests mind you there is a bit of a line right now

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Yoshi's Island the Original and Super Princess Peach Review

Well here we are 2 video games,long time no see it mostly been consoles this and books that and movies this and so on. I promised that I'd review Super Princess Peach some time ago so you know it's what I must do.

One day when I went over to Leffler's house I found this odd DS game called Super Princess Peach,by the title it sounds tedious and boring ,I thought that to then I read the back of the turned out to be completely different from what I tought heres how

Super Princess Peach(Nintendo DS)

Publisher: Nintendo

Plot: 20/20(Yes,yes I know you think I probably label all plots as perfect well I don't just look at Sonic Adventure 2,anyways basically Bowser finds out about a powerful weapon on Vibe Island and basically once he gets his hands on it,he uses it to cause havoc and kidnap Mario and Luigi,wait wouldn't he want to kidnap Peach MORE??? Guess not this time,meanwhile Princess Peach returns from a walk to find that Mario and Luigi are missing with a mysterious umbrella she heads off to find Mario,at last Peach is for once not the damsel)

Concept: 20/20(Basically you control Peach's emotions which have different effects on surroundings and also work with an umbrella that works somewhat like FLUDD or Yoshi in the way that the Umbrella partners up with Peach you got through about6 different worlds so it's basically a 2D Mario game with a twist of fate)

Graphics:20/20(Like Yoshi's Island DS,this game pushes DS' 2D graphics to the limits)

Levels: 15/20(I'm mostly impressed with the level design but let's face it most of the levels are similar and the challenge each lack I mean Hoo's Wood,Ladida Plains are too bland,Bowser's Villa is quite lovable as is Giddy Sky)

Challenge:8/20(This is by far the game's greatest flaw,it's just too easy ok too easy,it could be done in one sitting)

Music:14/20(The music ain't quite Mario quality or even good Sonic but it's still fun to hear Ladida had the best music in this round)

Final: 16/20 (The game is pretty good,it had all the potential too make a perfect but lets face it it adds the stereotype of girls always constantly using emotions,it's too easy,the levels and music need work andwell that's about it.Graphically it's excellent as is the plot and concept and it could use a sequel)

And now for what is considered one of the best games of all time,graphically the most advanced for 1995,SNES masterpiece drumroll......................................

Super Mario World 2:Yoshi's Island(SNES)


Plot:20/20(Baby Mario and Luigi are born,a stork picks em' up but is interrupted by Kamek's lackey's who kidnap baby Luigi,Mario falls onto Yoshi's Island and with Yoshi's help must save Luigi from the clutches of Kamek,Baby Bowser,and their minions,sounds a bit tired but for 1995 it was the beginning of such an idea)

Concept: 20/20(Basically you are Baby Mario and must rescue Baby Luigi on Yoshi who has an arsenal of moves from Ground Pound to Egg making,the concept is clear but good)

Graphics:20/20(Whoever panned this game for bad graphics must be blind or stupid because this game has some of the best graphcs for 2D about at the same level as it's sequel Yoshi's Island DS)

Levels:20/20(Most intense levels ever)

Challenge:18/20(Mostly challenging but some of them aren't)

Music:15/20(The music is mostly good but not as good as the sequel,it's not Mario quality but it's getting there)

Final:19/20(Amazing game,stunning all it lacked was challenge and music I couldn't quite put it in the almost-perfect 20 like Super Mario Sunshine or NiGHTS into Dreams but it rocked,it's no wonder this game has been put on people's Top 10 lists)