Monday, October 13, 2008

The first PlayStation,A grill, and an Ambidextrous"handheld"

If you thought Jaguar was the only failed console in video game history you was completely wrong,in this post you will find reviews of 2 failed consoles and 1 moderatley succesful console.

PlayStation is thought t be the first CD console,not add-on,console,in truth there were at least 2 first.The Saturn by SEGA which I already reviewed(17/20) and 3DO another failed console trying to gain market as a do-it-all machine.It had 3D graphics,it could do everything practically,it was PERFECT yet it failed here is why


Games:2/20(People will often say it had better games than Jaguar,yes bu it also had a lot more,about 160 games actually but about 16 were actually good where  as Jaguar's ratio was 5:6,3DO's was about 1:10,oh sure Jaguar had White Men Can' Jump,but 3DO had games like NIght Trap,Revolution X,Virtuoso,and those Make My Video games)

Graphics: 18/20 (It couldn't quite do what Jaguar did in terms of 2D,but it didn't quite look like bogus in 3D either,just look at Need for Speed or Wolfenstein 3D,as for 2D Gex,Return Fire, and Samurai Showdown did the job quite well,excellent graphics in a time when 3D was just emrging)

Design:9/20(This is the average of allthe designs,most look like ugly dull black boxes(not Saturn shiny) with not much else,they tended to be very durable though)

Technology:12/20(Quite good technology actually,unlike Atari which had technology so good they didn't even know how to harness it,the 3DO makers had technology that was a breeze to use not quite Genesis easy but close,it wasn't cutting edge though at all)

Final:10/20(About the same as Jaguar but Jaguar had better games despite having fewer and that's what really counts)

Next off we have the newbie franchise which entered the foray mainly because Dreamcast failed to overshadow PlayStation,they feared if SONY kept winning they console industry would overshadow and leapfrog PC's altogether.Nintendo was in it,SEGA died,SONY is the antagonist,only one company relies this much on PC's it must be..........MICROSOFT and their.......


Games:12/20 (It had many good games,the crap ratio is low but lets face it there weren't any kid games which lived on fun,Xbox was the console for shooters and M-rated games.After Halo,Oddworld,Halo 2,Project Gotham Racing,Doom 3, Dead or Alive 3,and Fuzion Frenzy I can't think of any significant game)

Graphics:20/20(Best graphics for it's time,it made GameCube's graphics look like shit,and PS2's look like PONG graphics)

Design: 9/20 (It's too big,ugly green and looks more like a grill than a console,not to mention it overheats and breaks a lot more than it's competition,well except for Piece of Shit 2)

Technology:20/20 (I only gave it this much because of the hardware drive and a good online service,no offense to Dreamcast but it used Dial-Up)

Final:15/20(Certainly a worthwile console to own......for Microsoft it certainly was ahead of it's time,but lets face it too big,and lack variety in titles can really put a damper on things)

Now onto GameBoy's first competitor,long before SEGA released the GameGear

Atari Lynx

Games:2/20 (Not many good games at all mcuh like 3DO,however 3DO had 160 games,Lynx had about maybe 40,that means only 4 games might've actually meant a thing.I can name my tops right now and I will.California Games,Raiden,Battlewheels, and Road Blasters)

Graphics:20/20(This console had the best graphics for it's time,i looked a bit like Neo-Geo gone handheld actually,left GameGear in the dust on the best color graphics race)

Design:4/20(I like the idea of the cartridge load on the side but lets face it the screen was miniscule,the buttons were far,it lacked real battery life, and it was HUGE,but the flip the console upside down if your left handed was cool)

Technology:20/20(Excellent technology,you could hook up like 16 Lynxs to one,backlit,loud speakers, and tiny cartridges)

Final:12/20(The console wasn't actually that bad,it was quite innovative unlike Game Boy or Game Gear,still no self-respecting Handheld Gamer would call that portable.Fares much better than Jaguar or 7800)

Favorite Games

3DO:Need for Speed
Xbox: Oddworld:Munch's Oddysey
Lynx:Road Blasters

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