Saturday, August 30, 2008

Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unforunate Events and Internet Explorer Web Browser Review

Well I said I do a web browser review andI need to get 3 book reviews. I'll make this dual purpose.

I'll start with the Browser since other wise I couldn't blog without using one

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Presentation:9/20(The presentation is terible but I can work with it)

Features:12/20(It's gets better and better but still nothing special)

Reliablity:4/20(Microsoft isn't known for making anything reliable,but the current one works,it's fairly good but the average brings it down)

Searching:6/20(I don't like searching on this browser)

Final:8/20(While not the worst,it's pretty terrible,I don't grade browsers on technology)

Now for the better

A Series of Unfortunate Events(Lemony Snicket)


Plot:20/20(Perfect plot in every way plus the author is a character and i's about 3 orphans who go through thousands of odd and unlucky circumstances such as burning a carnival,stuck in a house on a cliff and so on)

Characters: 18/20(There are alot of characters,but for characters that actually matter,they are great,Count Olaf is a fantastic villain,Esme is a master of deception, and the Baudelaires are quite original,but not perfect and they seem a bit like what Count Olaf said"You guys are just like you were when I set my eyes on you,you think books,inventing things,and biting will do everything" t some extent that is true which is why the score is not perfect")

Setting:20/20(Excellent setting for each book first it is in Count Olaf's house,then Uncle Monty's house,then Lake Lachrymose,then Paltryville,followed by Prufrock Preperatory School and so on)

Writing:20/20(This is one of the best written books ever,it is neither first person nor third,rather both as the author character records the Baudelaire lives in rd person and compares it to his own in 1st person)

Final:20/20 (Most people fins fault with the darkness and mystery I however wish there were more books like that in existence)

Friday, August 29, 2008


As a critique of Books, Movies, Video Games, and Video Game Consoles and Web Browsers I must balance it out.

So far I have done altogether on this blog

3 Movies(Matilda, The Pacifier, and Wild Wild West)
3 Consoles(GameCube, Nintendo DS, and Sega Saturn)
4 Video Games[I end to cluster into series for these things](Yoshi's Island DS,Sonic the Fighters, The 3D Mario Games, and The Super Smash Bros. Franchise)

yet all I've done on books is The Sisters Grimm which I gave a perfect score but that's it and since I only just came up with idea of reviewing web browsers I need to catch up on books before I do Web Browsers

anyway I'll start off with Fablehaven

For a while I couldn' t stand the idea of Fablehaven,it seemed to girly and I didn't like fairy's much(believe me I still don't) but then while I was at music camp this year I noticed Mom packed that book Anna nagged her to read.I was bored one day and said heck with it and read it.
At first it was excellent,it was original pretty much perfect but as I wen up in the series it went from excellent to repetitive and too much boring stuff(like the 200 pages of Woods in The Deathly Hallows or the Death list)

Fablehaven(Brandon Mull)

Year: 2006-
Publisher:Shadow Mountain

Plot:20/20(Excellent plot,I mean the idea of 2 teens being sent to there gandparents house where it turns out the estate[which is huuuge] is a magical preserve holding thousands of magical species from fairies to fauns[called satyrs in the book] from centiaurs to malicious water nyphs[called naiads] and then there granfather is kidnapped and they must set off to save Fablehaven from destruction)

Characters:14/20( Kendra seemed too much like a goodie-goodie[like Susan from Narnia],but Seth was perfect he started off curious and learned his lesson,by the 4th Book he hardly seemed like the stupid daredevil and seemed more and more like the one with foresight and courage [like Edmund from Narnia and also like Tai from Digimon],Vanessa seemed perfect for the role of an unpredictable person and the Sphinx too,but Gavin seemed boring,the Grandparents were too strict at the wrong times and open at the wrong times,I'd say I like the satyrs the most.)

Setting: 20/20(The setting is excellent,Lost Mesa and Fablehaven are excellent, Fablehaven is a huge fores with cliffs, a lake, a boathouse and a shack but it's marvelously described. Lost Mesa is also excellent basically a desert preserve in Arizona with cliffs,a cave, and gravestones for zombies.Wyrmroost is described so well with all the castles and cliffs that it actually made me shiver for a few seconds)

Writing:16/20(The first Fablehaven and the 2nd were well written so that they would be top-notch and five star,but the 3rd book is like the 6th Harry Potter or Eldest or Lord of the Flies it had it all set but everything was badly described[except Lost Mesa and the girly dragon],repetitive and falt out boring at parts. But the end of Fablehaven 3 somewhat made up for it. Book 4 was really well wriiten,everything in perfect detail all the right quotes,but it wasn't what the first was however it managed to take the wind outta book 2)

Final:18/20(Overall the series is great despite the writing setbacks)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Wild Wild West

So you think what you know what this movie is about,do you,do you?????

Most likely no,unless you've seen it like I have

Anyway basically it's about a freed-black(it takes place after the Civil War) who is a Captain named James West who while trying to hunt down his nemesis Bloodbath McGrath runs into a whore who is actually a man in digusie,a federal Marshal  name Artemus Gordon to be precise and after a few misunderstandings, President Grant assigns them to the same job putting them at odds.

Presentation:14/20(I'm sorry but the presentation seemed bizarre and out of place)

Plot:20/20 (Yes,yes by the title you'd think it was a Cowboy beat em' up,it's more like Western-meets-Sci-Fi because basically there is a lot of mechanical junk. Anyway like I said basically Capt. James West(Will Smith) is trying to hunt down Bloodbath McGrath and in the process runs into a marshal who is disguised as a whore[Artemus Gordon(Kevin Kline),after a few misunderstandings President Grant assign them the task of hunting down Arless Loveless(Kenneth Brannagh) who plots to destroy America,yet he has no legs.Among there travels they run into a prisoner trying to find her father(Salma Hayek) and uh that's about it)

Smith's Role:14/20(I've seen a few of Will Smith's movies,this is one the weakest ones,he's supposed to play a quick-hit and run-and shoot chracter,the execution is a bit off he sounds more like a gun happy,vindictive cowboy, no to mention the lack of humor,still it's not a total loss)

Kline's Role:19/20(I've seen A Fish Called Wanda and Fierce Creatures, where Kline tops it off.As a marshal of mechanical and espionage talent he plays Artemus Gordon and President Grant. Basically he's an inventor stuck with this black cowboy who uses what he sees as primitive and backwards and doesn't thnk things through.Unlike Smith he actually can be hilarious at times and he plays the part well,but it's not the top)

Brannagh's Role:20/20(Brannagh is at his best as legless,diabolical,racist Arless Loveless who plots to divide America by kidnapping the President and he is the funniest of them all I was laughing til' days end)

Hayek's Role:15/20( Fares better in my book than Smith,I haven't seen any of her other movies,she plays the damsel in distress with tricks up her sleeve and conning the 2 protagonists. But she seemed kinda useless to the plot and her haracter seemed to be an add-on)

Set:20/20(One word:Execllent)

Execution:17/20(I liked how the movie was executed,it was totally unpredictable,some of it was unpredictable for the worse,but most of I never saw coming)

Final:16/20(Recommendable I'd watch it over and over butI's missing something)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Sega Saturn Console Review

 What is Saturn? Most people would say. Those that do know would most likely say something like"Oh yeah that console that was too expensive,had no real games,had terrible 3D graphics, and no 3rd party".

Truly the system didn't deserve such bad press I mean come on the games.You know what I'll star with the games and go on

Games:16/20 (In the first-party realm games were  nothing shor of eye-popping,games like NiGHTS into Dreams,Clockwork Knight,Astal,Panzer Dragoon,Virtua Cop,Last Bronx,Sega Rally,the list goes on. After N64 this console was the console to go to for reliable,delicious first-party games. Sadly not so with 3rd party in fact the only 3rd party games of quality I can think of are Rayman,Tomb Raider,Resident Evil,D,Magic Knight Rayearth, and Shining Force III)

Graphics:14/20(This one was hard because it depends on 2D or 3D. with 2D Saturn has the best around along with Jaguar,Neo-Geo,and SNES.But with 3D it looks terrible the system rendered rectangles instead of triangles like it's rivals plus no one could harness it's power not even SEGA themselves so everything looked mottled and grainy.NiGHTS and Panzer Dragoon Saga looked at least like PSX quality)

Design:19/20(Like the DS not entirely attractive like N64,Dreamcast,or Neo-Geo Pocket Color but though the color is plain black it has that cartridge slot in the back and the buttons look cute when he power turns it glows green and the cartidge in that slot looks niccce)

Technology: 20/20(This console was the most advanced console for it's time,it had 2 processors,internal memory,a modem adapter, and a cartridges that could save 100 games on it,plus CD for cut-scenes, if harnessed right it could compare with N64 wih CD)

Final:17/20 (The Saturn is one of my favorites,I've played it once and have always desired to have it as my second,but the graphics really pushed the console down a few scores)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Super Smash Bros. comparison

Yes I know already did a comparison but not to the extent I intend

Alrighty then I'll start with...........

Super Smash Bros.

Developer:HAL Laboratory

Platform:Nintendo 64


Innovativeness:20/20 (Sonic the Fighters invented the idea of mascot fighting,but it kept the regular moves and goal,the moves have been changed from things like Upper-Cut or Jaw-Busters to Fireballs and swallowing)

Graphics:14/20(Thes graphics are a total let down you'd think they'd look a bit like Melee and rounder like 64,but nope the characters look like geometric figures rather than characters and the stages look very fake)

Concept: 20/20(I didn't just change goal and move set it added a multiplayer of 4 a single player mode that isn't just fighting and yeah)

Single-player:18/20 (Good yes but it only had one option and Master Hand was too simple evn in hard)

Multiplayer:17/20 (Good multi-player but no option chaging,the rules too make are far and few)

Character Score:16/20(There aren't enough characters and they look cheesy when they do stuff but they are all funto use)

Music:19/20(one word:Splendid)


Now onto disc based,clone plagued,many optioned.......

Super Smash Bros. MELEE

Developer:HAL Laboratory



Innovativeness: 16/20 (It wasn't very innovative,it added more options though like Home-Run conteset and an alternate single-player)

Graphics:20/20(These graphics were excellent it looks like idk 5 years have progressed between the 2 games rather than just 2)

Concept: 18/20(Basically it's Super Smash Bros. with tournament, Melee options like Tiny Melee,Stamina,and Speedy,Home-Run Contest,Event, and All-Star,but the leap wasn't as grea as the originals)

Single Player:19/20(It did everything the original did plus make it harder and added All-Star and Adventure)

Multi-Player:17/20(You'd think with more custom rules it would be better,but lets face it unless you like being stuck wth only one type at a time your sunk)

Character Score: 18/20(I'd give it a perfect but like the title of Star Wars Episode II it really is Attack of the Clones,just too many and not enough original characters,but an adequate amount and they don't seem as cheesy)

Music:15/20(It didn't have the originals Musical luster I liked Final Destination andThe Legend of Zelda theme)


At last,but not least,dual-layer disc,stage buliding,plot-based adveture.........

Super Smash Bros. BRAWL

Developer: Sora



Innovativeness:20/20(Whle Melee just added-on,Brawl re-invented by adding things like stage-builder and rotation)

Graphics:20/20(The graphics are amzing,if original to Melee looks like 5 years difference this looks like it's 10 years ahead of Melee)

Concept:20/20(Melee added much but Brawl added multi-player to what was once single-player,plus it added custom controls,stage builder,Masterpieces and improved Adventure Mode)

Single Player:20/20(All-Star was improved so that was chronologically based,Adventure was turned into what coulda' been a platformer for Wii)

Multi-Player:20/20( Now not only are there more custom rules but you can have things like Tiny,Fast-Paced,Metal,Light Gravity Brawl ad what was once one-player only became multi-player like EVent-Mode,Home-Run Contest,All-Star,and even Adventure)

Character Score:20/20(Lovely character variety,clones have been altered some-what plus 3rd party characters like Solid Snake from Metal-Gear or Sonic from Sonic the Hedgehog and everything about them has improved)

Music:20/20(This game has one of the best soundtracks in existence)


Brawl is one of the 10 games that has made a perfect score

Monday, August 18, 2008

Nintendo DS Hanheld Console Review

1 down 1 to go,onto reviewing Bi-Screened,Touch Screen,64-bit............

Nintendo DS

Games:20/20 (like many people would say about PS2 any game you need is there from remakes like Super Mario 64 DS to casual ones like Nintendogs,from creative games like Advance Wars:Days of Ruin to M games like Mortal Kombat)

Graphics: 16/20 (Many first-party games look like N64 games or better,some 3rd party ones tend to look really,really blocky,2D graphics look the best though like Yoshi's Island DS or that icky Spongebob game)

Design:19/20 (I like how it looks,it's not all attraction like Dreamcast or N64 but it works,everythong is well laid out and the color pwns)

Technology:20/20 (Good technology,touch screen,2 screens,responsive mirophone,the cards are perfect and it's juiced it can even browse the web)

Final:19/20(Great console,but thegraphics need some work)

Friday, August 08, 2008

Super Mario 3D reviews

A month ago I compared them,but I didn't give a score.On the other hand I intended to do a movie review of"The Pacifier". I think I'll make this dual purpose

First of all the Mario Kart 64 is a perfect 20/20 not 19/20 and Super Mario Kart is actually 19/20 not 17/20.

Anyway I'll start of with the 3D Mario's

Super Mario 64

Platform: Nintendo 64(For less confusion I'll do 64 but I give DS the same because it's almost the same plus more stars and levels,but odd controls)


Innovativeness:20/20(The idea of turning a 2D-linear platform series to a 3D-exploration series is superb nd few other series have pulled it off[Sonic anyone])

Graphics: 18/20(I love the graphics but you can tell alot of tricks are pulled to make it look smooth like Gourad shading for Mario and the trees are 2D,but still  for 1996 that was almost top of the line[NiGHTs sometimes looked better though])

Concept: 20/20(Basically Peach has been taken prisoner in her own castle and you must rescue her and foil Bowser's plan[this is like the original plot turned 3D,but at least the rewad is better] and you must traverse through many,many worlds collecting power stars and gaining power-ups[Metal is my favorrite])

Levels:20/20 (I love the world line up,you start off in a grass land where litttle Bomb-Ombs are at war with each other and you go throught ons of others[like Lethal Lava Land and Snowman's which is my favorite course])

Challenge:20/20 (This game kept me busy for years,DS only took me 6 months though at first,stars like Red Hot Log Rolling and Tricky Trinagles kept me at it)

Music: 20/20 (This is either the best video game music or among the best I've heard,if Koiji Kondo's work hasn't becomea symphony in some part of the world,there is no justice; if you're gonna play a challenging video game,it might as well be easy listening)

Final: 20/20

Now onto GameCube hit............

Super Mario Sunshine

Platform:Nintendo GameCube


Innovativeness:17/20(Though not as innovative as its buddies,it has FLUDD who can do many tricks and the idea of Yoshi and Squid-surfing could be better but,it's still very innovative)

Graphics: 20/20(I love the lighting and smoothness with no easily seen tricks,it looks like an early Wii game,certainly Xbox quality. The hotel looks a little bit too much like a Hotel)

Concept: 20/20 (Basically you're Mario and you've been frammed for vandalism,while the clone perpetrator has kidnapped Princess Peach,you must travesre throughout the island in search of the perpetrator(Shadow Mario) and Peach with the help of your handy water robot FLUDD)

Levels: 18/20 (You start off in at  a little windmill village where a huge monster has polluted the lake and the roads from the Biggest widmill, and from there on you face many levels[I liked Noki Bay the cliff level and Pinna Park the Theme Park level,but I miss the Ice lvels and the Sand levels)

Challenge: 20/20( This is certainly challeging,I got through half the game hands down and thought WHAT???? But then I got stuck at all sorts of difficult ones,it only looks easy,the boss was too-easy though)

Music: 19/20( It doesn't uite have 64's charm but I love em' none the less,the Sand Bird theme and Nokis Bay's Underwater Kingdom theme especially.They're all excellent and fun to listen to.If I had them on my iPod I'd listen to them all the time[same with 64])


Now onto handheld......

New Super Mario Bros.

Platform:Nintendo DS


Innovativeness: 19/20(The idea of a 2.5D game of from 3D/2D games was an excellent idea,not as well pulled off as Galaxy's idea though)

Graphics: 20/20 (It looks a bit like Super Mario 64,without  the tricks but considering it's handheld that's top-notch)

Concept: 20/20 (Basically Bowser and Bowser Jr. have kidnapped Peach and Mario must rescue her,this ime he goes through 2.5D worlds)

Levels:16/20(I'm sorry but they seem to linear without much exploration and plus I'm biased about the whole 3D,2D thing. I do like World 1  and World 6 though)

Challenge:20/20(Most challenging Mario game ever)

Music: 15/20 (The music took the lowest nose-dive,it's still good but honestly something's fishy about it)

Final: 17/20

Finally onto space exploring,motion sensing........

Super Mario Galaxy



Innovativeness:20/20(The idea of not just turning 3D graphics into 2D platforming like the DS game,but blending 2D gameplay onto a 3D plane with 3D graphics)

Graphics: 17/20 ( The graphics dissappointed me too much,Mario looks whiter than sour cream and it looks like Sunshine with better lighting,no glitches though)

Concept:20/20 (Peach has been kidnapped by Bowser and Bowser Jr., and Mario or LUIGI????? ,must go into the depths of space to rescue her you land inside a Comet observatory where you go into looking ares andfloat o many Galaxies)

Levels: 20/20 (I loved the levels,they were like 64 totally original with even new ideas like Sweet Sweet Galaxy,too bad you start off in a Galaxy of just grass)

Challenge: 15/20(It was too easy for a Mario game,but still hard.I beat in about 3 days)

Music:17/20 (It fared better than New Mario Bros. but it's still overrated.The music is nice,but it's not Mario style. It's orchestrated and would make fantastic orchestra pieces but let's face it. It's like the President holding a gala because his kid just gt toilet trained or having feast because your ex just died(King Henry actually did that))


and now for the movie

The Pacifier

Presentation:15/20 (I didn't like the presentation,it seemed too kiddie)

Plot:20/20 (Know-all,Handle-all,Hardcore NAVY-SEAL Shane Wolf is sent to watch over a family for a month while the Admiral works on cracking GHOST's code.GHOST's is a microchip that could stop nuclear missiles from working,if rendered into North Korea's hands could do major damage,could this be Wolf's hardest task???)

Diesel's Role: 20/20 (Vin Diesel is always in action movies this is nothing short,he plays Lieutenant Shane Wolf the hard-core"My Way or the High Way" character)

Set:16/20 (A little off,at least it didn't look to much like a studio)

Execution: 18/20(It was fairly well executed,a little corny though but oh well,it was alright)


Thursday, August 07, 2008

Sonic the Fighters Review

Everybody claims SEGA copies a Mario game with a worser Sonic counterpart.Usually they are right(Sonic Shuffle for one is one of the worst games on Earth while Mario Party is almost to the top).If out of the blue SEGA did another fighting game. People would say "SEGA just made a rip off of Super Smash Bros.".In fact though SEGA invented the mascot fighting idea,it was simply released in Arcades first.Super Smash Bros. simply came out 3 years later on the N64

This game was called Sonic the Fighters.

Sonic the Fighters(Arcade)

Developer: SEGA AM-2

Concept: 20/20 (Which Sonic character is the best???? Find out with Sonic the Fighters as you select through dozens of characters from Knuckles the Echidna to Fang the Sniper,to even Super Sonic,awesome concept can't help but wonder if Nintendo actually copied this one)

Characters 20/20 (Unlike R,there are many good characters and certainly no lame ones like Tails Doll,there are characters like Bean the Dynamite,Fang the Sniper,Bark the Polar Bear,and even Espio the Chameleon)

Graphics: 15/20(It was made in 1996,it looks a little like Super Mario 64,but some things feel a little fake like Amy's hammer, or the explosion at the end)

Innovation:9/20(The concept rocks,but the fighting game is like any other fighter,you just fight until someone is KO'd,and there are 2 rounds[3 if hey'res a tie])

Challenge:13/20(It's starts off easy but gets harder and harder,unless you break there shields, then it's as easy as pie.Metal SOnic is hard no matter what while Eggman is so easy he makes the first challenger[Knuckles] look hard)

Music:6/20(Sonic isn't known for it's music whatsoever,it's better than Sonic Drift's Shuffles,R's,or Riders though)

Final:13/20(It's an enjoyable game definatley,if I didn't critique video game music this game would actually be about 15 or 16/20,I'm afraid it just doesn't have the luster Super Smash Bros. has but yeah)

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

The Sisters Grimm

Before I begin I mention the 10 Poisonous Video Games That Make Better Toilet Paper

10.Sonic Shuffle(Sega Dreamcast,2000)
9.Bubsy 3D(PlayStation,1996)
7.Superman 64(Nintendo 64,1999)
6.Altered Beast(PlayStation 2,2005)
5.Fight for Life(Atari Jaguar,1996)
4.Captain Novolin(SNES,1992)
3.Kabuki Warriors(Xbox,2001)
2.Custer's Revenge(Atari 2600,1983)
1.E.T. the Extraterrestrial(Atari 2600,1982)

further commentary in" The Monkey World of Tom"

alright onto better stuff

and no Twilight is not going to be reviewed because I have no intentions of reading it.

The Sisters Grimm(Michael Buckley)

Publisher:Harry N. Abrams Inc,

Ok so basically when I first saw These Sisters Grimm books, I thought they'd be dopey takeoofs on The Brothers Grimm,when I read the first book I was astounded by the characters and the plot and of course Puck's(yes the mischeivous fairy from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream)

Plot: 20/20( 2 sisters that just happen to have the surname of Grimm are pulled out of an orphanage and go through thousands of despicable guardians,but are then dumped off with there Grandma who claims hey are descendants of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm and that the Grimm's Fairy Tales atre historical documents.Naturally and 11 year old girl like Sabrina wouldn't believe such a thing,until of course a giant kidnaps Granny.From then on The Sisters Grimm vow to become fairy tale detectives.Can you call that unoriginal?)

Characters: 20/20 (Ok we have 6 characters of worth in all the series,they are Sabrina and Daphne Grimm,Puck,Granny Relda, and Mr. Canis[aka The Big Bad Wolf from Little Red Riding Hood and The Three Little Pigs] and their magic-addicted Jacob"Jake" Grimm Sabrina is the main character and the adult[the one who doesn't trust and not curious],Daphne Grimm,though 7 she acts like she's 11[mature for her age but still innocent and naive,but the voice of reason when Sabrina goes off the edge],Puck is the Tricksters King who likes to think of himself as the villain[and of course hates books,despite calling himself a villain he has often been found lecturing Sabrina not to do something stupid or saving the others kesters],Granny Relda is the guardian and the person who acts the most like a detective[I wouldn't want her driving though], and finally Mr. Canis,an old man constantly fighting The Big Bad Wolf in him[and assisting Relda to her every need] Jake is completely addicted to magic and a little bit on the reckless side,however you can see he's one that tries to please everybody)

Setting:20/20(Ferryport Landing is described as a sleepy little town that isn't so sleepy,I don't see how a town could run when Jack the Giant Murderer,Rumpelstiltskin, Little Red Riding Hood demented,and The Queen of Hearts are on the lose,I like to picture the town as St. John's,Arizona gone creepy)

Writing: 20/20(A doomed book can be good simply by how it's written like Island By Gordon Korman or ruined to pieces like Eldest by Cristopher Paolini,these books thank goodness are so well written I cannot describe it)


Tuesday, August 05, 2008


This is post 3,the past 2 have been video game related and probably most posts will be hence the N64 part. However this blog is for reviewing all sortsa things. I think Ill review Matilda(no not the book,the movie)

So far I've reviewed:Copying Beethoven(14/20),WALLE(20/20), Mario Kart's(16-20/20) , and the Sonic ripoffs of Mario Kart(5-8/20)

Matilda the movie is of course based off of Roald Doahl's classic children's book Matilda, which is about a genius girl(played by Mara Wilson) with psychic"eye" powers who has an intrest in education and reading who is an extreme loner unapprieciated by her parents(Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman respectively) and finds her way into a school where the principal takes sadistic pleasure in abusing children(Pam Ferris as the principal) but leans how to punish those who desrve it.

Plot:14/20(The plot coulda' been better,I prefer darker plots,but childhood sentiment wwon't let me give it lower)
Wilson's Role: 20/20(Totally nails the role as cute girl with more to her that meets the eye)
DeVito's Role: 18/20(Good and funny,but something just doesn't seem mean enough when he says his lines)
Perlman's Role:20/20(Very good at being a spoiled, rude,but imprisoned mother)
Ferris' Role:20/20(She did by far the best I wish I could give her 30/20 but I can't)
Set:11/20(It's fairly good but could be better)
Execution:20/20(They got the idea of the book perfectly)


Monday, August 04, 2008

Nintendo Gamecube Console Review

I own 2 consoles:GameCube and Nintendo DS,but my knowledge extends far beyond what I own

I intend to review the consoles I own first,as the title suggests I'll start with GameCube

Games:17/20(Every console has it's glut of crap,but the ratio for this one is low,unfortunatley I have some of the crap let's see we have........Sonic Riders,Lost Kingdoms, and Tony Hawk's Underground and of course Aquaman:Battle for Atlantis,but the majority are class hits like Tales of Symphonia,Resident Evil Collection,Super Mario Sunshine,Sonic Adventures 1&2,Soul Calibur II,Beyond Good and Evil, SSX Tricky, and Super Smash Bros. Melee to name a few)

Graphics for Time:19/20(Resident Evil 4 and Eternal Darkness have some of the best graphics seen on a 6th gen console ever,Xbox quality no doubt,but few games are like that most are inbetween PS2 and Xbox,unlike N64 where programming and graphics were hard too completely push,Gamecube was a breeze)

Design:14/20 (It doesn't look terrible,the shape was ok, the color......not-so-much)

Technology:14/20(It's not juiced up with technology like it's SEGA and Microsoft counterparts,but the cards are  excellent and I'm a dinosaur)

Final:16/20(GameCube is lacking somehing the other Big N consoles have,answer originality)

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Yoshi's Island DS

As an introduction welcome to Monkey Worlds N64 Gate divsion of The Monkey World of Tom which is an extremely monkey world.You won't find posts often unless I feel like reviewing which right now I do and like the title says I feel like reviewing Yoshi's Island DS. If you looked at the"10 games fit for UberPsychoTom"list you'll realize this makes 20/20 but I'll review it anyway

Yoshi's Island DS (Nintendo DS)


Plot:Kamek and his evil Toadies are kidnapping babies worldwide in order to find Baby Mario and other threates to Bowser's rule.They catch baby Lugi(as a baby) but don't catch Baby Mario,Baby Pech,Baby DK,or Baby Wario.(the plot is old but better than regular Mario games I give it)


Concept:Basically Yoshi's has too get through 5 Worlds with 8 levels using Baby Mario(who can bump Mario blocks and run fast),Baby Peach(who can float on wind with her handy parasol),Baby DK(who can make quick dashes and climb and swing on vines),Baby Wario(who can attract coins and metal boxes with his handy magnet), and BABY BOWSER with fireballs,I thought he was evil(guess not)[Excellent concept]


Graphics:The games 2D and it's looks better than even SNES's old classic Yoshi's Island,sometimes ya' don't need 3D for fun


Gameplay:I already said it with concept

Levels/Challenge: In World 1,only 1-7 was hard, in World 4,I can only do World4-5&4-6,in World 5 only the final boss.World one is mostly grassland,2 is mostly Jungle and Desert,3 is Beachy,4 is Mostly in the clouds,5 is varied


Music: Mostly remixed but they are really nice to hear anyway,still a little variety would be nice

