Tuesday, August 05, 2008


This is post 3,the past 2 have been video game related and probably most posts will be hence the N64 part. However this blog is for reviewing all sortsa things. I think Ill review Matilda(no not the book,the movie)

So far I've reviewed:Copying Beethoven(14/20),WALLE(20/20), Mario Kart's(16-20/20) , and the Sonic ripoffs of Mario Kart(5-8/20)

Matilda the movie is of course based off of Roald Doahl's classic children's book Matilda, which is about a genius girl(played by Mara Wilson) with psychic"eye" powers who has an intrest in education and reading who is an extreme loner unapprieciated by her parents(Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman respectively) and finds her way into a school where the principal takes sadistic pleasure in abusing children(Pam Ferris as the principal) but leans how to punish those who desrve it.

Plot:14/20(The plot coulda' been better,I prefer darker plots,but childhood sentiment wwon't let me give it lower)
Wilson's Role: 20/20(Totally nails the role as cute girl with more to her that meets the eye)
DeVito's Role: 18/20(Good and funny,but something just doesn't seem mean enough when he says his lines)
Perlman's Role:20/20(Very good at being a spoiled, rude,but imprisoned mother)
Ferris' Role:20/20(She did by far the best I wish I could give her 30/20 but I can't)
Set:11/20(It's fairly good but could be better)
Execution:20/20(They got the idea of the book perfectly)


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