Saturday, August 23, 2008

Wild Wild West

So you think what you know what this movie is about,do you,do you?????

Most likely no,unless you've seen it like I have

Anyway basically it's about a freed-black(it takes place after the Civil War) who is a Captain named James West who while trying to hunt down his nemesis Bloodbath McGrath runs into a whore who is actually a man in digusie,a federal Marshal  name Artemus Gordon to be precise and after a few misunderstandings, President Grant assigns them to the same job putting them at odds.

Presentation:14/20(I'm sorry but the presentation seemed bizarre and out of place)

Plot:20/20 (Yes,yes by the title you'd think it was a Cowboy beat em' up,it's more like Western-meets-Sci-Fi because basically there is a lot of mechanical junk. Anyway like I said basically Capt. James West(Will Smith) is trying to hunt down Bloodbath McGrath and in the process runs into a marshal who is disguised as a whore[Artemus Gordon(Kevin Kline),after a few misunderstandings President Grant assign them the task of hunting down Arless Loveless(Kenneth Brannagh) who plots to destroy America,yet he has no legs.Among there travels they run into a prisoner trying to find her father(Salma Hayek) and uh that's about it)

Smith's Role:14/20(I've seen a few of Will Smith's movies,this is one the weakest ones,he's supposed to play a quick-hit and run-and shoot chracter,the execution is a bit off he sounds more like a gun happy,vindictive cowboy, no to mention the lack of humor,still it's not a total loss)

Kline's Role:19/20(I've seen A Fish Called Wanda and Fierce Creatures, where Kline tops it off.As a marshal of mechanical and espionage talent he plays Artemus Gordon and President Grant. Basically he's an inventor stuck with this black cowboy who uses what he sees as primitive and backwards and doesn't thnk things through.Unlike Smith he actually can be hilarious at times and he plays the part well,but it's not the top)

Brannagh's Role:20/20(Brannagh is at his best as legless,diabolical,racist Arless Loveless who plots to divide America by kidnapping the President and he is the funniest of them all I was laughing til' days end)

Hayek's Role:15/20( Fares better in my book than Smith,I haven't seen any of her other movies,she plays the damsel in distress with tricks up her sleeve and conning the 2 protagonists. But she seemed kinda useless to the plot and her haracter seemed to be an add-on)

Set:20/20(One word:Execllent)

Execution:17/20(I liked how the movie was executed,it was totally unpredictable,some of it was unpredictable for the worse,but most of I never saw coming)

Final:16/20(Recommendable I'd watch it over and over butI's missing something)

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