Monday, August 04, 2008

Nintendo Gamecube Console Review

I own 2 consoles:GameCube and Nintendo DS,but my knowledge extends far beyond what I own

I intend to review the consoles I own first,as the title suggests I'll start with GameCube

Games:17/20(Every console has it's glut of crap,but the ratio for this one is low,unfortunatley I have some of the crap let's see we have........Sonic Riders,Lost Kingdoms, and Tony Hawk's Underground and of course Aquaman:Battle for Atlantis,but the majority are class hits like Tales of Symphonia,Resident Evil Collection,Super Mario Sunshine,Sonic Adventures 1&2,Soul Calibur II,Beyond Good and Evil, SSX Tricky, and Super Smash Bros. Melee to name a few)

Graphics for Time:19/20(Resident Evil 4 and Eternal Darkness have some of the best graphics seen on a 6th gen console ever,Xbox quality no doubt,but few games are like that most are inbetween PS2 and Xbox,unlike N64 where programming and graphics were hard too completely push,Gamecube was a breeze)

Design:14/20 (It doesn't look terrible,the shape was ok, the color......not-so-much)

Technology:14/20(It's not juiced up with technology like it's SEGA and Microsoft counterparts,but the cards are  excellent and I'm a dinosaur)

Final:16/20(GameCube is lacking somehing the other Big N consoles have,answer originality)

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