Friday, August 29, 2008


As a critique of Books, Movies, Video Games, and Video Game Consoles and Web Browsers I must balance it out.

So far I have done altogether on this blog

3 Movies(Matilda, The Pacifier, and Wild Wild West)
3 Consoles(GameCube, Nintendo DS, and Sega Saturn)
4 Video Games[I end to cluster into series for these things](Yoshi's Island DS,Sonic the Fighters, The 3D Mario Games, and The Super Smash Bros. Franchise)

yet all I've done on books is The Sisters Grimm which I gave a perfect score but that's it and since I only just came up with idea of reviewing web browsers I need to catch up on books before I do Web Browsers

anyway I'll start off with Fablehaven

For a while I couldn' t stand the idea of Fablehaven,it seemed to girly and I didn't like fairy's much(believe me I still don't) but then while I was at music camp this year I noticed Mom packed that book Anna nagged her to read.I was bored one day and said heck with it and read it.
At first it was excellent,it was original pretty much perfect but as I wen up in the series it went from excellent to repetitive and too much boring stuff(like the 200 pages of Woods in The Deathly Hallows or the Death list)

Fablehaven(Brandon Mull)

Year: 2006-
Publisher:Shadow Mountain

Plot:20/20(Excellent plot,I mean the idea of 2 teens being sent to there gandparents house where it turns out the estate[which is huuuge] is a magical preserve holding thousands of magical species from fairies to fauns[called satyrs in the book] from centiaurs to malicious water nyphs[called naiads] and then there granfather is kidnapped and they must set off to save Fablehaven from destruction)

Characters:14/20( Kendra seemed too much like a goodie-goodie[like Susan from Narnia],but Seth was perfect he started off curious and learned his lesson,by the 4th Book he hardly seemed like the stupid daredevil and seemed more and more like the one with foresight and courage [like Edmund from Narnia and also like Tai from Digimon],Vanessa seemed perfect for the role of an unpredictable person and the Sphinx too,but Gavin seemed boring,the Grandparents were too strict at the wrong times and open at the wrong times,I'd say I like the satyrs the most.)

Setting: 20/20(The setting is excellent,Lost Mesa and Fablehaven are excellent, Fablehaven is a huge fores with cliffs, a lake, a boathouse and a shack but it's marvelously described. Lost Mesa is also excellent basically a desert preserve in Arizona with cliffs,a cave, and gravestones for zombies.Wyrmroost is described so well with all the castles and cliffs that it actually made me shiver for a few seconds)

Writing:16/20(The first Fablehaven and the 2nd were well written so that they would be top-notch and five star,but the 3rd book is like the 6th Harry Potter or Eldest or Lord of the Flies it had it all set but everything was badly described[except Lost Mesa and the girly dragon],repetitive and falt out boring at parts. But the end of Fablehaven 3 somewhat made up for it. Book 4 was really well wriiten,everything in perfect detail all the right quotes,but it wasn't what the first was however it managed to take the wind outta book 2)

Final:18/20(Overall the series is great despite the writing setbacks)

1 comment:

Vincent Malmrose said...

I'm unsure that seth learned his lesson, he still does stupid things, just not as often. Kendra was really goodie-goodie.
I would give writing a better mark(not sure what though) it may have gotten a little repettive but what can you do? Its the third book and after a while people start to get really good at predicting the author and what will happen.I would however not give the plot a 20/20, maybe a 18 or 19 but many Fantasy books have been done before. Big demons taking over the world is a little old, but still good. The author took something that is a bit old but put a new twist on it. However it still may deserve a 20, read it a few months ago.