Friday, December 19, 2008

Independence Day and Milk

I was originally going to post a dual-purpose review of Mozilla Firefox and Independence Day.However today I have changed my mind mostly because I saw one of the best movies ever.

I'll still do Independence Day(1996) but this time I'll add Milk(2008). No not the liquid that comes from mammary gland and boobs. Uh no,I'm talkin' about the politician who became the first openly gay politician in the entire U.S..His name Harvey Milk

Now this is the second time I'm typing this up,the first time it damn froze up on me so I had to reboot the computer.This time I'm gonna save drafts like heck to ensure that I don't have to type it all up again.Anyway onto

Independence Day

Presentation:20/20 (I love how everything starts off perfectly normal but then it intensifies with weird signals and it gets weirder and weirder til' aliens are everywhere with a plan to destroy all humankind)

Plot:20/20 (It's not really just one plot but 4 plots that converge.One plot being the President trying to boost reputation which of course happens with that speech to resist the aliens.Another is a cable guy with some social issues.Another is about a crop duster who claims to have been kidnapped by aliens 10 years ago[he was right they do exist!].Finally you have a plot about a Captain[Will Smith] who is to be married soon until those aliens land then he's forced to get back to El Toro to fight those aliens]

Characters:20/20 (I like the characters,I wish the politicians in reality were more like these ones,actually working for the people not themselves)

Smith's Role: 20/20 (He's got some of the best lines ever and this is his best,Smith is easily at his funniest,I didn't think I'd say this but this is like Smith's answer to Eddie Murphy's Beverly Hills Cop)

Set:20/20(Look at the spaceship,nuff said)

Execution:20/20 (This film would be extremely weak if poorly executed,not like some of those films that are completely cheesy but funny like Pink Panther,more like the kind that if executed just wrongly it'll be terrible such as Home Alone[I mean we all know what would happen if those booby traps didn't spring right away])


At last onto the movie I finally saw and looked forward to.Oh great my foots fallen asleep,I'd better do this quick before the rest of me does.I saw this on a class field trip


Presentation:20/20 (Starts off with the arrests of gays,then Feinstein's announcement of the assassinations and then if this is a sandwhich you've basically gotten past the outer hard part of the bread and reached the inner chewiness of the bread.Then you start hitting the lettuce as it flashes back into 1970 with Milk[Sean Penn] meeting one of his partners Scott Smith[James Franco])

Plot: 20/20 (After meeting Scott Smith,they live a good life in San Francisco until Milk decides to run for Supervisor which strains there relationship.Then he runs again and he has no partner.Both times he fails,then he tries again and he suceeds.He inspired one notorious activist known as Cleve Jones and eventually became "The Mayor of Castro".After Smith leaves him he finds a new partner who eventually hangs himself after feeling ignored and mistreated. Ultimatley, he and mayor George Moscone ge shot and killed by former Supervisor Dan White. I need say no more I don't wanna give the whole thing away)

Characters:20/20 (Good characters,Jack Lira[the guy who hangs himself] was alright a bit crazy but uh whaeva', I'm a crazy guy meself.Milk was hilarious and even Dan White was alright[still shoulda' gone to jail for premeditated murder] I feel sympathy for him.This can only go as far as potrayals)

Penn's Role: 20/20 (Star of the show and obviously the right man for it,and I'm not much for him either but he managed to pull Milk of quite nicely by adding so much emotion)

Franco's Role:20/20 (Very good at being the supporting character,if only I didn't see his butt at at one point[that's probably why it's R rated])

Brolin's Role: 20/20 (He plays Dan White,I like his potrayal of White ,adds a more psycho touch to him that I didn't find when looking up Dan White on Google)

Gabreel's Role:20/20 (Though he plays dumb character Ryan in High School Musical,he also potrays Dan Nicoletta who was a young adult at this time and he worked with Milk and Smith at the Castro Camera and helped Milk with his campagin for Supervisor)

Set:20/20 (It's filmed right S.F. with one shop being redone to film the Castro Camera scenes[don't worry the gift shop is where Castro Camera was so it's appropriate])

Execution:20/20 (I love how the scenes were put together,all the lead actors did what they needed,the ending left you captive with hope despite the fact that Milk was shot at the end,you don't see him get the final wound but you see him instead looking at the opera picture then keeling over)

Final:20/20 (I prefer darker movies than this and usually a little less graphical but,without the graphical stuff you might forget Milk's sexual orientation and it's real in real life I don't like sad,gruesome endings and no one does except of course Satan.This is probably the only R rated movie I'd ever wanna watch again[ok ok Pan's Labyrinth as well))

I've seen 3 R-rated movies (My Life in Pink which was about a transgender person and was only R rated because of tha),(Pan's Labyrinth a bit violent and lotsa' cussing but fictitious so I don't care I could do without the cussing though) and now Milk.

Up Next

NES,SNES,and PSX (Consoles)
The Godfather (1975)

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