Thursday, December 04, 2008

The Mascot Countdown Continues

A week ago the computer was taken to be fixed.Now it is back.I Uber Psycho Tom last critiqued the Top 5 best video game mascots and......... The top 5 of the worst.I completed #'s 5 and 4 on best and worst. I hope to continue onto 2 and save the BEST and the WORST of all time for later.

The current Worsts are

5.Awesome Possum (Tengen)
4.Gex the Gecko (Crystal Dynamics)


5.Bonk (NEC)
4.Banjo and Kazooie (Rare)



His games weren't actually that bad,they were below average but somewhat playable.But he himself sucks a bit like Gex the Gecko only much worse.His name sounds even worse. Alrighty then we have........

Aero the Acro-Bat(Mascot of Sunsoft)

Attitude: 3/20 (Oh my this was a travesty,he had so much attitude you might actually pity the "Evil Clown",Could almost rival Bubsy,but at first Bubsy could ignite curiosity,not so for Aero)

Plot Average: 0/20(I don't remember the 2nds plot but the firs one was to keep the circus he works in open from an "Evil Clown" and his sidekick,I looked up stupid in the dictionary and found a picture of this game.Circuses are cruel to animals Aero should be happy but no,besides a clown can't be evil because of that.Clowns are scary but pitiful but this is over the top, and Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel doesn't count)

Moveset: 0/20 (What moveset,gliding????? please any platforming rip-off can do that)

Items:0/20 (What items???)



Number 3:BEST

Unlike Bonk, he's fairly well known, a bit like Banjo in that sense. but unlike either of those 2 he's better known for his party games on Wii. His games are frickin' awesome and he's so charming. This limb-less hero made his debut on the failed Jaguar on one of my favorite games ever.(19.5) I believe is the score I gave it.Ya'll know him as.....

Rayman(Mascot of Ubisoft)

Debut: Rayman(Atari Jaguar,1995)

Attitude: 20/20 (Honestly, I like his attitude a bit odd but hey he seems like a charming character to get used to)

Plot Average: 20/20 (Awesome plots,in the first one he has to get help from fairies tyo save his world from Mr.Dark[Mr. Dark sounds like a great name for an antagonist because no one expects it to be so blatantly evil.I mean Bonk has King Drool,Bubsy has Esther,Aero has Edgar,Mario has Bowser,Awesome has Dr. Machino,and Sonic has Dr. Robotnik[aka Dr. Eggman].In The Great Escape he must find 4 masks to awaken a titan that will defeat invading Space Pirates. In 3 he must stop a corrupt Lum)

Move-set: 15/20 (Not a lot of cool moves but I like the limbless punch and the edge-hanging,and the hair copter. Where most mascots have quantity he has quality)

Items: 17/20 (He collects blue spheres called tings and lums in the 2nd I don't remember in the 3rd)

Aging: Mediocre(I'm saddened and dismayed to find that few people in this current day remember him for his platforming games,they aren't remembered.Rayman was a rare game for Jaguar but it was on PlayStation and Sega Saturn as well at the early days.Rayman 2 was on all contemporary platforms same with Rayman 3.Like I said his Wii games are the best remembered)


Number 2 WORST

I always didn't think highly of EA but I never thought they make such an atrocious character. Apparently James Bond got so drunk he couldn't tell a woman from a fish because this is clearly the offspring I mean he acts like James Bond his levels are blatant rip-offs like "Leak or Let Die: or "The Ocean is not Enough" now I dodn't know if that last one is an actual name but it might as well be. I almost put his Aquatic Games game on my Bottom 10 list.

James Pond(Mascot of EA)

Debut: James Pond (MS-DOS,1990)

Attitude:0/20 ( Most of the time I don't even like James' Bond's attitude,you think I'm gonna like a blatant rip-off.And for those that do like his attitude well you wouldn't want a fish tarnishing it)

Plot Average: 0/20 (Ok first of all the first one didn't have much of a plot. In 2 Dr. Maybe[almost as retarded as Dr. Machino or Dr. Eggman{I call the latter Robotnik for that reason} kidnaps some penguins and toys. In 3 he must stop Dr. Maybe from building a stronghold on the moon made out of cheese otherwise the dairy industry will be monopoly[doesn't get any stupider than that,almost makes Aero's plot look....GOOOD????])

Moveset:0/20 (Probably just swimming and running and jumping pretty basic)

Items: 0/20 (Blatant rip-offs of James Bond)



Number 2 BEST

This one is obvious. Any 90's kid will remember this guy I watched his cartoons on Saturday he was the perfect anti-Mario. When Nintendo had Mario and NEC had Bonk SEGA had nopthing so they came up with him. He's a success with millions of fans,next you know other companies make a mascot and fail Tengen,Accolade,Sunsoft, and Crystal Dynamics I'm looking at you') ( I'd say EA but James Pond came 1st).Made his debut on the Genesis to rival the launch of Super Mario World has had mixed results over the years as he went to 3D.If you play his Genesis,Dreamcast,or SEGA CD games you'll know he desrves this spot.Lets hear for our favorite blue hedgehog.Appeared in 2 of my top 10 favorites(Sonic CD and 8-bit Sonic 2)

Sonic the Hedgehog(Mascot of SEGA)

Attitude: 20/20 (Unlike all those mascots after Bonk, though he has a "Look at my guns" attitude.It's actually lovable and could be considered the first mascot you could play without feeling stupid[James Pond],awkward[Bonk] or wussy [Mario] in the slightest bit.His success brought about some of the worst creations[like 4 of my bottom 5] but also a few good ones [Earthworm Jim and Rayman come to mind])

Plot Average: 19.5/20 (Though the reasons diverse it all boils down to Eggman using the chaos emeralds which means it can't be perfect. In fact only in Sonic CD do I remember seeing no Chaos Emeralds whatsoever. In Sonic Adventure 2 he uses it to make an Empire,in Sonic Unleashed they are corrupted and scattered.Other than that I love the plots)

Move-set: 20/20 (Gotta love the move set,it always varies just like Mario he really was the perfect Anti-Mario)

Items: 19.5/20 (His rings are a perfect response to Mario's coins but after that he has orbs, and Super Sonic that's it)

Aging: N/A (His 2D games never get old and have aged considerably well,but after the Dreamcast games and ports based off them, 3D Sonic doesn't age[Shadow the Hedgehog is an ok game but I can't see the game being a well loved game 10 years later])


The finals will be posted tomorrow morning until then this is to be continued

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