Saturday, December 06, 2008


Well this is it,the moment a video gamer should be waiting for and would be if they read this blog.

Before I get to that lets look at the current list from Worst-to best or Best to worst.


5.Awesome Possum (Mascot of Tengen[aka Atari Games])
4.Gex the Gecko (Mascot of Crystal Dynamics)
3.Aero the Acrobat (Mascot of Sunsoft)
2. James Pond (Mascot of EA)


5.Bonk(Mascot of NEC)[While they were briefly in the video game industry]
4.Banjo and Kazooie (Mascot of Rare)
3.Rayman (Mascot of Ubisoft)
2.Sonic the Hedgehog (Mascot of SEGA)

That's the list now I am free to get onto.....


I wouldn't know about this guy if it wasn't for Colter or Leffler. He starred on the Super Nintendo,Genesis, Jaguar, and PlayStation.Anyone playing video games in the 0's will remember him.Now some people actually liked him and his games.But a good I dunno NINETY-PERCENT didn't. Why because he had an over-dose of attitudde making him the most unlikeable character his games were tedious and you died on first try and the final game is the worst PlayStation game.Makes 17 on Seanbaby's 20 Crapstravaganza and 9 on my 10 poisonous video games. This guy is a bobcat with a stupid shirt and has stupid puns for everything but yet he can glide.Sadly he was the most successful of these clones.

Bubsy the Bobcat(Mascot of Accolade)

Attitude: -1/20 (That's right 0 is to good for him, most of these guys spoke too much and it sounded bad,this guy started off like that then ended up sounding like Julie Kavner on 500 gallons of Vodka)

Plot Average: 0/20 (The first one had no plot except to beat Rayons who were interrupting his nap,the 2nd one what plot????? the Jaguar game was he just had to fix up fairy-tales and it sucked[SEGA shoulda' thought of that before they made Sonic and the Secret Rings] and the final one was he's stuck on a planet and needs to build a rocket ship to escape the planet.There you have it Bubsy games have either no plot orterrible plots)

Move-Set: 0/20 (Unoriginal gliding,jumping that never works and uh that's it, oh yeah and dying in stupid ways like melting,going down with the ship,being electrocuted)

Items: 0/20 (YARN BALLS? ATOMS??????)


Final:-1/20(His games are better than him,he shoulda' been in E.T. the Extraterrestrial instead of E.T.)

I'm glad that's out of the way.Now I can announce better news

Number 1:BEST

Like Sonic he had a very interesting start.Sonic started off as a drawing on a napkin thanks to him.He started off when Nintendo made a failed arcade game called Radar Scope.Desperatley they consulted a newbie to Nintendo called Shigeru Miyamoto[now he's a legendary icon in video game culture].Instead of making new cabinets he converted the current cabinets into what is now called Donkey Kong.With that success he went onto becoming the antagonist in Donkey Kong Jr, then he went onto his own game with Luigi called Mario Bros.. Then he debuted on NES with Super Mario Bros.(considered one of the best games ever)[18/20].Then he made the best 3D transition with Super Mario 64[20/20] and now has made an appearence on Wii. Over the years he has had time to change but he's kept his plumber occupation and overalls for ages.Now known as Mr. Videogame he is more recognized than even Disney's Mickey Mouse.

Mario(Mascot of Nintendo)

Attitude: 20/20 (Humble and willing to help anyone in need he must've been why SEGA wanted a more buff,"I'm so cool" mascot. Like he best mascots he doesn't talk much)

Plot Average: 20/20 (Sonic always has chaos emeralds, Mario's plots don't boil down to one thing.Peach is often the damsel to be saved but in the GameBoy games he has to save Daisy and take back his castle.In Super Mario Bros. 2 he must battle Wart but it's all a dream.Usually he has Bowser but not in that 3 he must save 7 World he must save Yoshi's Island.In 64 he must collect stars.In Sunshine he must clean up Isle Delfino,bring back all the shines and save Peach.In Galaxy he must save the Galaxies.As you can see the plots never get boring)

Move-set: 20/20 (Move-sets always change and stay interesting,in Bros. you have the basic jump formula,in 2 you pick up vegetables,in 3 you go back to jumping,in World ou can ride Yoshi,in 64 you can punch,kick,backflip,triple jump,sideflip and climb nets,in Sunshine you can squirt with FLUDD and ride Yoshi,in Galaxy you can Spin,Skate,and all sorts of goodies can happen)

Items:20/20 (In Bros. you have Fire Flowers,in 2 you have POW blocks and vegetables,in 3 you have Boots,Suits tha can able you to glide and stuff,in Land 2 you can jump high and fast as a rabbit,in World you can float with a P-Balloon,in 64 you can go invisible,walked underwater as Metal,and fly,in Galaxy you can become a ghost,fly as a honeybee,make ice and so many more. In New Bros., you can become extra huge or extra small, and bash others as a Koopa Shell)

Aging:Incredibly Well (Can hardly belioeve some of them are even old because they still feel intact)

Final:20/20(Even this doesn't do justice)

Hope y'all enjoyed this

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