Friday, December 26, 2008

NES,SNES, and PlayStation

Yes,yes Uber Psycho Tom here I'm back.No I'm not on some vacation or anything like that. I had a good week so far.However on this blog I am in critique, not personal mode as such I must have something to critique. Thankfully I do have something. It's been awhile since I done anything in the consoles sections so here it goes. The first Nintendo's and The first PlayStation

This console came into the market at a time when homebound video games weren't trusted. All the companies went bankrupt,got sold,divided and so on,if you wanted to play video games you would have to rush off to the arcade. The makers of Donkey Kong were experiencing in Japan a rise in video games. Naturally they decided to expand their market,so they went to once legendary Atari and said " Hey can you help us market our system in America?". However they came at the wrong time; Atari was in shambles,it was a video game crash in America. Finding this out the hard way,Nintendo decide to sell the system themselves. They went to a toy company and made a fantastic deal. Soon enough the system was test launched in New York as a toy an entertainment system(hence Nintendo Entertainment System), no one thought it would work but soon enough it was a success and by Christmas,it was all over. This console is almost always,ALWAYS! put as #1 on best system lists.


Games: 20/20 (If you wnat a system with quality games,and lots of it,this is your system whether it be Castlevania,Metroid,Legend of Zelda,or Super Mario Bros. you're sure to find something you like)

Graphics: 17/20 (Some games look so sloppy and atrocious while others are top-notch Super Mario bros. had very unfavorable graphics in my opinion but Kirby's Adventure looks like almost 16-bit,this coming from an 8-bit)

Design: 5/20 (Ugly,heavy,and though durable on the outside,it often can't fit the cartridges inside and sometimes it kills the cartridge, the cleaning kit is practically useless,get 10 systems if you can)

Technology: 20/20 (Good technology for ime like the lock-out chip that prevents illicit copies)

Final:16/20 (Great system,most influential system in the whole industry but it wasn't very reliable and graphics weren't always pushed,probably because most developers preferred Atari 2600 with it's jurassic graphics)

Eventually Atari came back and Sega and NEC joined the fray trying to take on NES. Atari didn't even try to get 3rd party support,Nintendo made a now illegal rule to make so if they published for Nintendo they could only publish for Nintendo.However that rule only was only applied in America,in Europe NES actually lost to SEGA but Nintendo still won overall. NEC then jumped in making a "16-bit" system(it was actually 8-bit but had graphics that were 16-bit),SEGA then made a successor which took NEC's limelight but failed tyo overthrow aging NES. Eventually NES got to old and out of date so Nintendo released a system technollogically superior to SEGA's Genesis. So eventually Sega couldn't say "Genesis does what Nintendon't" but Genesis had a lead and right before Super Mario World, SEGA came out with...... SONIC the HEDGEHOG which was the perfect defense.To this day there are guys who still remember the schoolyard fights of Genesis vs....


(Not me sadly,I was born just months after Super Mario Kart and was 3 years old when N64 replaced the SNES)

Games: 20/20 (It's hard to find a Nintendo without this score few exceptions being GameCube,Wii, and Virtual Boy,I mean every Nintendo has quantity and quality.SNES was the place for any kind of game my personal favorites being Super Mario Kart,Super Mario World,Star Fox,and Donkey Kong Country,oh and who can forget F-Zero)

Graphics: 20/20(One word:Deadly! I bet ya' the healthiest guy could have a heart attack looking at the magnificence of it all,Star Fox looks like it's 3D,Bubsy has the best 2D graphics possible[terrible game though] and Donkey Kong Country well,.... you could write a book describing the graphics of it[it would still be better than Twilight])

Design: 16/20 (Durable, lightweight, and reliable but the guys deciding on the color must've been color blind because it's dull gray and sharp tan with purple to top it off,not to mention it's so boxy)

Technology: 20/20 (Mode 7 was supreme,look what it did to early games like F-Zero, F-Zero and early 2-D Jaguar games are graphically similar and the FX chip made Star Fox the first "3D" game without vector graphics)

Final:19/20(This was one of the only systems that lived up to it's hype had the best graphics and best games[the winning systems usually don't have the best graphics and the losing systems often think they can win with graphics])

Ok I don't hate SONY but I hate what they've done to the video game industry. Before SONY video gaming was for kids that enjoyed that played games based on the playability and fun[which is what any gamer would agree with] but then they killed SEGA[when SEGA became a 3rd party publisher,their games went down in quality including our beloved hedgehog] put Nintendo on their knees and then they influenced Microsoft to enter. Also they encouraged adults that only care about graphics to play. To this day it's hard to find real games instead you get a graphics war.This started because SONY was gonna' help Nintendo beat SEGA but SONY ripped them off. Nintendo betrayed the company and eventually SONY worked on the unfinished project and turned it into the PlayStation just as Nintendo marketed NES themselves when Atari failed to help.Nintendo lost support when they decided to keep with cartridges rather than CD's like PlayStation. Square supported all the other systems of Nintendo but left them in favor of PlayStation.


Games: 10/20 (I'll admit I liked Frogger,Iron Soldier 3,Gran Turismo, Final Fantasies,and Spyro,but the others either were mediocre,sucked or had ports that were better on other systems[ex:Tomb Raider on Saturn,Quake II on N64,Rayman on Jaguar,etc.],however there was quantity)

Graphics: 12/20 (Downright ugly graphics,some games were comparable to 64 but they were often washed up and grainy,64 may have been blurry but there's more grainiess in one part of a PSX game than their is blur to an entire N64 game. In 2D N64 still beat PSX and of course Saturn was king of 2D graphics)

Design: 11/20 (Boxy,ugly,looks like a porta-potty bench,unreliable but compact and lightweight[Saturn was a lug])

Technology:0/20 (There was no innovative technology,CD media started in 1992 with Turbo Duo, thubsticks and rumble came out on N64 first,anything multimedia like started on 3DO, and yeah SONY copied everything with no inventing whatsoever)

Final:8/20(PS3 only got a 14 because no one can deny it's technological and graphical proweress but PlayStation the original had none of those edges,it didn't even invent what it had)

Favorite Games:

NES: Super Mario Bros. 2
SNES: Super Mario Kart
PlayStation: Final Fantasy VII

Up Next

Chronologically: Wave Race 64 and Firefox (Dual-purpose)
Consoles: Genesis and Nintendo 64

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